moral dilema...

dreaming neon darkspot said:
(who the fuck gets colds in MAY??) .


COINCIDENCE? hmmmmmmmmmm

I've been REALLY sick with a cold or something, had to call off work on friday, and I never call in sick! BLECH
dreaming neon darkspot said:
so should i get drunk tonight, after seeing my ex/boyfriend for the first time in a month and a half when he came to the store to pick up the movies of his that i've had for the better part of 2 months and he would barely even look at me yet that's done more the express once and for all that we aren't together anymore than any time i've talked to him

or should i be not hungover tomorrow morning when i have to take a test and finish building a model airplane or something and go to all my other classes and wait until tomorrow night when i really hits me that i'm not as okay with this as i think i am now?
get drunk friday night
EVERY friday night
Get nice and drunk. It took me 2 1/2 years to clear my head of my ex, don't let them push you and say 6 weeks is enough time. :p

Btw, get drunk just to get drunk, don't let a walking peter be your only reason. Have some fun under the influence. :D
Depression beyond what she already has. Notice she wants to drink after he ignored her. Dicktouching would be very bad.