Opinions on EVM-12L speakers


New Metal Member
Dec 6, 2010
I have 4 EVM-12L speakers in my 80's metal grill Mesa cab and can't decide whether I should replace them or not.

I love the fact that they are very clear, full, and balanced sounding, but they can also be a bit sterile sounding with no warmth or "mojo" (ie classic speaker breakup). They sound amazing for live use, but really bland when recorded.

Anyone use EVM-12L's? What do you think about them? I'd like to keep them and just buy a Recto 2x12 for recording, but I'm pretty broke right now. Should I sell two of the EVM's and buy a couple V30's?
do you have the possibility to make an impulse response from that cab?
i'd love to get a great IR with EVM 12l's and i've been looking for a good one for ages:erk:

It's been a long time since I've owned those, but if I remember correctly, they lacked the crunchy bite that I usually like. For what it costs to buy a couple speakers, you could probably find a V30 loaded cab somewhere and just buy a complete second cab. It's all personal preference and really depends what kind of sound you're after....
Using two EVM12L for about eight years, I've only bought my first V30 this year.

EVM12L sound fat and with lot of balls, but lacks some attack and hi mid that I found on my V30.

I think combining two mics by take, one for each speaker, should be a good combo, though.