opinions on kissing the shadows?

just because we're all offtopic bullshit and seldomly ever talk about the music, doesn't meant we don't like the song!
in fact a lot of people mentioned it quite often a while back when the board had real music discussion threads...

it's damn sweet alright! that melody after the first verse is one of the best pieces of melody ever...
Kissing the Shadows is one of my favorite Bodom songs to play on guitar. It is one of their more challenging songs along with Bodom After Midnight.
IMO he just says that it's fully written in studio... but it cannot be true :D Perhaps he just had some inspiration to solos in studio.. but made those (awesome) riffs before going to studio. Who knows.

Well, not much to add... The riff-solo are really cool to practice, even if I started guitar 1 and 1/3 year ago. It looks like a slow KTS :p, but it's more fun than scales...
Yeah man, the only thing that beats listening to that song is playing it on guitar... biggest fuckin adrenaline rush ever! The awesome thing is that Alexi plays the fabled 'riff-solo' while doing vocals! Figure that, only that man can pull off somethin crazy as that.