Kissing the shadow solo....

thats very cool.
i understand its much more difficult on guitar but not easy on keyboards either! so the little mistakes here and there (on guitars) aren't bad at all...
Originally posted by warman
you could have tried panning the instruments like keyboards 30 to the left and guitar 30 to the right though
Actually it is this way. The guitar is about 30 to right and the synth is about 30 to left. Listen more carefully.:)
Dude, awesome! Can you answer a few questions for me? Ive been playin under a year, can you tell me what sort of stuff you were playing at your 1st and 2nd years of playing? Did you practice each day and for how long? 3 years is a very short time.. I really hope I can be this good in 2 years. Can other guitarists answer this too? And yeah, I know this is resurrecting a dusty old thread ;) I was actually looking to see if Laiho has any instructional material.
Originally posted by Deafmetal
Dude, awesome! Can you answer a few questions for me? Ive been playin under a year, can you tell me what sort of stuff you were playing at your 1st and 2nd years of playing? Did you practice each day and for how long? 3 years is a very short time.. I really hope I can be this good in 2 years. Can other guitarists answer this too? And yeah, I know this is resurrecting a dusty old thread ;) I was actually looking to see if Laiho has any instructional material.
Ok, sure :) .
Well mostly, back then I played stuff like some old metallica, megadeth, Iron maiden etc...
I practiced about ½-1h in a day back then. When you feel like you can play almost all kinds of basic riffs I recommend you to start practicing some easy solos. First very slow and then some more speed.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask and I will answer as good as I can.
Cool thanks for the info, I got this book by Troy Stetina called Speed Mechanics for Lead Guitar... a great book and Ive been practicing some stuff outta that as warm up riffs. Ive worked out some CoB stuff, like that awesome little classical riff in Kissing the Shadows and parts of some of their easier solos. In a week or so I finish uni, and have 2 months to practice hardcore in, like 6 to 9 hours a day hopefully... how much leadway do you think could be made in that time practicing that much?
