Opinions on my 1st band recordings - Metal!


Broken Parts Club
Feb 3, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi Guys.

Here are a couple of songs from a young metal band from here in New Zealand called Bloodletting that i recorded during last year at my audio course.

I did 5 songs for their EP and here are 2 of them.

This is my 1st recording and mixing project of a band and i think it came out pretty nice. :)



There are 2 guiters panned left and right, run through a dual rectifier into a rivera cab miced with one SM57.

Bass was D.Ied through some combo amp.

Drums were recorded live with me taking samples from the snare, toms and kick and using drumagog to replace them.

The kick sample i made out of the kits bass drum mixed with a couple of random samples i had.

All the drum playing was audio quantised using Beat Detective (took about 2+ months to do, and im never doing it again, but it was def worth it!)

Would appreciate what you guys think.

Cheers. :)

P.S. the band members are around 17 - 18 years old.
GAAAYYYYYYY! I can only download one of the songs because "I have reached my limit on the free acount". Fuck that, anyways I ended up with the second song.

My thoughts (by the ways thanks for the heads up on the younins although they are alot tighter than the dude I usually find at that age):

The first thing I notice is the verb on the drums, IMO way to much on the kick in the begining, but that might have just been for the sound of beginging. Guitars sound pretty good but I would like to hear more body and maybe more tracks and more dif amps (although I know you had to work with what you got).
I also would like to hear a pinch more bass guitar, actually I am unsure if there even is any it sounds all guitar to me, except where it is playing by itself. Again a nicer amp probably would have been better and again I know you probably had to work with what ya got.
I also notice that to me the toms are panned backwards I like to think from the perspective of the front of the kit, so high hats to the right bass tom to the left etc...
Snare sounds pretty good.

Where this mix really shines though is the vocals, nice fucking job.
Wow, you gotta have good eyesight to type in the damn code to download from this site haha. I dug the track, a little too much hi-end for me and not enough bass guitar.