Opinions on this mix - dumbed down BTBAM + Born of Osiris, The Contortionist, etc

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9992828/Random Shit/Legion of the Serpent - Asura.mp3

Guitars are going to be replaced before the final, I just did a rough mix with the DIs I rendered from Electri6ity [there are no palm mutes in this mix].

I might just be a fanboy but god damn it, I love Nigel bass processing.

I also posted a thread about searching for a sample of a conversation of two French people in a bar, to put in the jazz/polka/whateverthefuck part. Still haven't found it and FreeSound is still down.

Let me know what you think of the mix! Anything stand out in a bad way?
The bass and guitars don't gel. I think the high end of the bass stands out too much and has a circusy feel. Everything sounds very MIDI as well. Perhaps mess with velocity and timing a little to give it more feel.

It's a sweet and techy track though, good work!
Oh, I definitely went for a different kind of tone for this. Guitars are going to be Axe FX since I'm a fanboy of that as well and a guy on here ran my bass track through Nigel, so that's why it sounds weird.

I dig the hell out of weird/untraditional tones though!

Does the songwriting seem decent? It's my first attempt at songwriting. Well, it's the 3rd song I've ever written, but the EP it's on is my first solo effort.