Opinions on this mix ?

Not bad at all man, I like it! I'd say the guitar tone still needs a little work, but that's just my opinion. The bass sounds fantastic. I like the clang
speed it up 60 bpm, raise the level of high-mids on the bass and drop it ALOT in level (my rp5's go down to 55hz and it still sounds like it's drowning everything), work on getting the drums to sound more coherent, like it's all from the same kit and not just a kick drum over here, a snare over there and some cymbals sprinkled all over the place. make a good sounding mix, then play with the master. glue it with a compressor, give it some tape/character/warmth and limit it to shit!
Drums are a little too boomy on the low-end, and slightly too loud as well. The bass drum sound is also a bit abrasive - consider rolling off the 8 khz region to preserve a slightly more natural tone. I think the guitar tone is fine, but feel free to tweak it a bit if you want. You might want to add in some warmth around 200-500 and maybe brighten up the top (since there are no vocals to compete with) but otherwise it's pretty good. Last, add a slight amount of arena/cathedral etc. verb onto the whole mix to give it a more cinematic quality (works well with slower songs especially). Don't overdo it, just a bit to put everything in the same acoustic space and tie things together.