Opinions: What to get next ????

The JMP, Mesa Studio Pre, and Engl 530 are all candidates .... hmmm maybe you guys are on to something here :)

I'm actually saving for the Engl e530 at the moment, which I'll use until I can pick up the Special Edition preamp, as it will no doubt truly complete my power amp. I finally got the power amp I've wanted for 15 years, just recently...
Rivera Hammer 120 :D
I'd go the pre amp route, I've got a few and it's addictive. They're very easy to pick up for great prices on the used market. Alot of guys seem afraid of rack guitar gear so they can be very cheap.
I've an Engl e530, Peavey Rockmaster, Hafler T2 and Digitech GSP 1101. I'd love a Mesa studio pre and PSA to round off the bunch. My hafler( tube pre) was about 30 euro, the rockmaster was 200. For the guys saying they're not versatile, what can be more versatile than having a totally different sound just a patch away? For poweramps I've a Marshall 9200 with el34's and my Laney GH50L's poweramp has 6l6s, also got a few SS power amps I use now and then for bass. I'd love a Mesa 50/50.

With your budget you could pick up 2 nice used units. Maybe look for something with a nice clean too for versatility.
recently started looking into the e530 myself, hard to find one here in Aus tho... Everything i have read online says that it will be better than a gigmaster for high gain tones?

I'm assuming im gonna have to go to ebay euro or uk or something to find one in the right voltage for down here?


I'm currently obsessed with ENGLs. I'll be going on a very expensive quest to try them all out soon before making a final decision. Except the Savage 120 which i want but can't try without buying because the stockists said that they don't even have one in the country.
Jason, is the studio actually in the apartment as well? Cause if not cranking the Marshall shouldn't be a problem. I'd say JCM/JTM or an Orange (not the Tiny Terror since you seem to have the Metal stuff covered) or the AC30.
Hey lasse is you could talk the guys into throwing me one for nada I will be all over it ... hahahah Or you could just buy it and I will work it off with re-amps and editing ;)

As for the job thing it totally sucks .. but I THINK I will be able to get some solid bookings int he studio to keep a roof over my head, and I am finishing up a few apps for the Android phones that should keep me with enough cash to keep food on the table and the lights on.

I am sure I will be ok. I just cant be frivolous on gear right now :(
As for the job thing it totally sucks .. but I THINK I will be able to get some solid bookings int he studio to keep a roof over my head, and I am finishing up a few apps for the Android phones that should keep me with enough cash to keep food on the table and the lights on.

I am sure I will be ok. I just cant be frivolous on gear right now :(

no more porn? :O

what happened man?
Correct me if I'm wrong but afaik the website wasn't his main income and ditching that was his own decision whereas the job thing doesn't seem to be so.

Jason, hope you'll be alright man! I thought the live sound thing would give you some steady income as well?
The main venue I was doing live sound at closed up shop about 6 months ago. When that happened I sold off most of my PA gear in order to concentrate on getting gear for the studio and paying off some debt.

The Pr0n thing was definitely not the main source of income, althought I did get a few calls yesterday with offers to get back into more mainstream stuff. Not sure I want to get back into it honestly. Its been my dream since I was a kid to own my own studio.

I booked 2 bands last light and if I pick up 2 or 3 more I am just going to head to the bank and go for a business loan to open a proper studio. I will see how it goes, but the calls keep pouring in so I am not going to complain :)

Honestly if it wasn't for all of YOU guys I would still be making shitty productions that sound like they were recorded to 2 track ...lol

I appreciate all the advice over the last 5 years guys I really do!

I also have the movie score thing that brings in a few hundo here and there. Its mainly student films but its fun to compose stuff like that. Then theres the websites that I build. There is plenty of talent to make the cash its just lining up jobs. The studio thing br0ought me 2 bands yesterday just off on a single craigslist add. So I am feeling pretty good.