Krank Rev Jr. Vs Blackstar HT5

The Pro is only $50US more than the Standard, in the US.

As far as clips..I have one laying around the G5 of some death metal stuff I've been working on. But, I'm honestly going to wait and have at least a whole song finished before I put up a clip :) Sorry, but it's my way of forcing myself to complete a song for once.

The Pro is only $50US more than the Standard, in the US.

As far as clips..I have one laying around the G5 of some death metal stuff I've been working on. But, I'm honestly going to wait and have at least a whole song finished before I put up a clip :) Sorry, but it's my way of forcing myself to complete a song for once.


Any places ship to the UK at good rates or do you think this would be too dodgy an option..... we're paying through the nose here big time!! :(
Check out, I think they ship outside US. The problem with trying to save money by going through a US dealer is the customs you have to pay on it no matter what...which, in most cases, defeats the purpose of going through the trouble to save a buck.

Check out, I think they ship outside US. The problem with trying to save money by going through a US dealer is the customs you have to pay on it no matter what...which, in most cases, defeats the purpose of going through the trouble to save a buck.


Customs and shipping companies suck here in the UK. They always throw in a 'Handling fee' as well.
Yeah, gheyness. Viva America! :lol:....thats about the only thing I really like about being here.

Hi 006.
Since you change your avatar from the Buguera one, to the Rrank Rev one, I'm excited about hear some of your samples dude.
Please let me know if you do it!
