

AKA Biggus Dickus
Oct 3, 2001
Atlanta, GA USA
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? What is your reasoning for being one or the other?

I'm a pessimist. I think that if you always expect the worst, you'll never be dissapointed. If you get your hopes all worked up, and it doesn't work out the way you *wanted* it to, you're in for a dissapointment. So if you never hope for good stuff to happen, and it doesn't happen, you won't be let down, right? Plus, if something good happens, then it will be a nice surprise, and you'll feel good about it.:D See what I mean?

I hope all that made sense, I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words...
i have to say im a opto-pessimist (if such a thing exists). i often see the worst side of a situation, and yet also see the good side of it. i dont know... please... help..... mee
:eek: I try to keep the focus and keep it real.

I also understand that there's always room and justification to be positive about things.

So I'd call myself a realist. :eek:
I would say I am both or neither because i don't expect anything....but after the fact i would say that I am an Optimist because I believe that there is something to be learned in everything.
the optimist understands why the world's gone down the drain
the pessimist never bends, constricting thoughts in vain
from the pessimist's point of view there's nothing we can do
as I paint this picture gray and taste the pain
I'll play the optimist...

- Optimist or pessimist? -: WD​
I'm a pessimist. I think that if you always expect the worst, you'll never be dissapointed.

If that is reason alone to be pessimist you will be surprised one day....you can get worst still.

Still while i seem like a pesimist i dont believe in pessimistic thoughts. I believe in reality, reality its true neutrality. We foolish humans attach our hopes to random events that we have no control over...The thing is that the realistic person evaluates all the posibilities and its aware of the posibility of failure, and chooses to consider it often becoming a pessimist in most people's eyes. There isnt really a true pessimist because pessimistic people still have racional reasons why things COULD go wrong, sometimes other factors like depression seem to fog one's mind and make reality apear with no possible good solutions.

Optimistic people on the other hand for the most of the time, are aware of the risk and posibility of an undesired effect, yet they choose not to consider it as an option, thinking that its not worth the worry when things could happen. I really do not understand optimistic people, to me it just seems like the neutral reality its always there how can you not at least consider it as an option? ok maybe optimistic people considers it yet they choose to just to avoid that idea....that its really beyond my understanding.

Neutral people ( wich is unfairly judged as pessimistic people ) seem to be more aware of what surrounds them, and tend to make wiser choices in life...i admire such people my mind has been fogged to pessimism all my life...
Originally posted by Demonic_Figure
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? What is your reasoning for being one or the other?

I'm a pessimist. I think that if you always expect the worst, you'll never be dissapointed. If you get your hopes all worked up, and it doesn't work out the way you *wanted* it to, you're in for a dissapointment. So if you never hope for good stuff to happen, and it doesn't happen, you won't be let down, right? Plus, if something good happens, then it will be a nice surprise, and you'll feel good about it.:D See what I mean?

I hope all that made sense, I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words...

I have to agree with you, I'm also a pessimist. And the reason is what you just said. I hate getting disappointed, it really lets me down sometimes..But sometimes I get tired of thinking everything so negatively..I just noticed that I've been thinking things in a negative way since I was little, I just didn't know that then. And didn't have much friend because of that...Ok, I'll stop this touching story before your eyes get wet.. :p I'm a pessimist and I'll always be, I can't help it.

(ps. My English is poor!!! Sorry! Hope you understand it :heh: )
It depends on the situation.....
Usually i am from realistic to pessimistic... and btw,in some cases, realistic=pessimistic (*copying Unhallowed*)

well,I hope you understand what i'm trying to say...
I can't even explain this in greek :eek:

and a random but relevant thought:considering the current state of this planet there are enough reasons to be pessimistic (and even misanthropic)....
I consider myself to be an optimist, even though I'm still a skeptic and a cynic. I question everything, but I'm still an idealist. I like to believe that the potential of the human mind can one day change the world into one of peace and harmony. Even though that will probably never happen fully, it's still something to strive for. If the only other option is to sit back and say "fuck the world, were all going to the hell", then I'll choose to be the optimist.
I like to believe that the potential of the human mind can one day change the world into one of peace and harmony.

I really don't want to call myself EITHER, but when I read this...something in me said, "Yeah right. FAT CHANCE OF THAT!" :rolleyes: So, call me what you will.

I felt my view on this was already out and understood when I read Misanthrope's words. I agree with what you're saying. Especially that part about being "neutral." In a lot of my views, (when asked which thing I choose/agree with) I use the phrase "I'm on the fence between the two."

My mind sees negative sides to everything first, then the possible positive side comes through. It always does, but every downside to it is thought of first. :: shrug :: Everything I looked at I find something "wrong" with. Then I ponder on why I think it's wrong. Because of other people opinions! Humans are foul! I'm human. I must be foul too! This MACHINE in my head. How do you shut this thing off!!!

I know. :cool:

"She laughing and weeping at once..."
I would answer either both or neither, but not one or the other.

I take things as they come, and do not let expectations get in the way. You can plan until you're blue in the face, but you still don't know what to expect - it seems everything you do has the potential for change. Thus, if I'm not thinking/worrying/whatever about one second later, I'm right down the middle.

I guess my glass will always be at the half-way point (I won't fall into that half-empty half-full trap)
Realist bordering on Pessimist....

Basically my theory is I try to see all points of view but I don't expect too much. If something good happens then I am pleasantly surprised. If something not so good happens I'm not too disappointed.
Originally posted by Opet
I like to believe that the potential of the human mind can one day change the world into one of peace and harmony.

I really don't want to call myself EITHER, but when I read this...something in me said, "Yeah right. FAT CHANCE OF THAT!" :rolleyes: So, call me what you will.

Let me elaborate a little more on what I was trying to say... First of all, I'm well aware that my little utopian vision will never be a reality, it's an unattainable goal, but it's something to aim for. It's like that saying: If you aim for a star and land on the moon, why not aim for something farther? And like a was trying to say before, if everyone walks around with the attitude that we can't save the world then we will just continue in a downward spiral towards oblivian.
I think a lot of times pessimism goes hand in hand with a lack of self-confidence. I think this is (or was , haven't figured that out yet) the case for me. You tend to expect the worst so when it goes wrong, you can say 'you see, I told you so' No man! fuck that! Expect the best from yourself!! Don't look down on yourself!!I agree with (forgot the name) when he/she said that there is something to learn in everything, mostly in failures. You make a failure become hell only inside your own mind. Get over it and learn from it. If others laugh with it, it's mainly because they want to hide the fact they couldnt' have done it better, the ones who could, are (hopefully) smart enough to give you advice, if not, fuck 'em.

I think you just have to find the middle in being pessimistic or optimistic. At the end, no matter what, it will turn out OK...

I wonder if somebody actually reads all of this shit...