oral sex in american junior/high/schools?

This is hilarious. I think people our age (I'm 17) think they are a lot more grown up than we really are. I remember hearing stories of oral sex in primary school. Yes I agree that is slightly fucked up. I remember back in the day a girl played with me and I peed. Ha ha, but anyways that was probably too much information so I'm just gonna go over here right now....
Oh and Mistress Masie... please try not to raise your child to be a feminist in the body of a dude. I know too many of these people and although they are usually awesome people, they have been bought up TOO well and kind of have trouble out there in teh real world. I know some guys that can't for the life of them get any chicks because they honestly have too much respect for the ladies and think that it's completely and utterly rude to touch them or whatever. They also get tread on alot. I say raise your child to be a nice person, but not too nice... make sure he is still a man. My two cents anways... and I know I'm only 17 but I know too many dudes who are all depressed and shit at this stage in their lives because they are simply too nice to everybody and don't know how to stand up for what they want etc
PiNkMaGGiT said:
Oh and Mistress Masie... please try not to raise your child to be a feminist in the body of a dude. I know too many of these people and although they are usually awesome people, they have been bought up TOO well and kind of have trouble out there in teh real world. I know some guys that can't for the life of them get any chicks because they honestly have too much respect for the ladies and think that it's completely and utterly rude to touch them or whatever. They also get tread on alot. I say raise your child to be a nice person, but not too nice... make sure he is still a man. My two cents anways... and I know I'm only 17 but I know too many dudes who are all depressed and shit at this stage in their lives because they are simply too nice to everybody and don't know how to stand up for what they want etc

Thanks for the parenting tips.
I am not raising my son to be nice. I am raising him to be respectful.
There is a difference, I have also taught him to speak up for himself & that sex is a positive thing but that it is also something that you have to be responsible about.
People do not talk about sex & if they do it is all hush hush & embarrasment.

Not me, not my kid.

Uh, yeah.
I am gonna climb down off this soap box now........
PinkMaggit's example sounds kinda like me, except I don't think it's my mom's fault.

Sexual responsibility is VERY important...otherwise you end up with complete monsters in high school. I know a few girls, very nice, smart girls, whose lives have been hugely fucked up by a couple asshole guys like that. So good call.
Mistress Masie said:
Ok, firstly, I agree that KIDS should not be having sex, oral or otherwise.
(And oral sex IS sex)

Second I disagree that if a woman is sexually active she is automatically a whore or a retard AND I also do not agree that if a girl is sexual she is a whore but if a boy is sexual it is A-ok and normal.

Young girls are looking for acceptance. Young boys are being ruled by their hormones.

I have taught my son to respect women & that sex is beautiful and not dirty but also comes with great responsibility.
More parents should do this.

Also, pussy does not and SHOULD not smell bad. Cuz um, if it does? Well, then you got a little problem. You really should get that taken care of eh?

*This message brought to you by DR. Mistress Masie*

No, the problem is not that kids shouldnt be having sex, its that morons shouldnt be having sex, adult or otherwise. Responsibility when it comes to dealing with sex its definetley not based on age, that should be obvious now days. For instance, i am only 16 (nearly) and am sexually active, but that dosent mean im a moron who gets drunk and knocks up 4 pre teens a week. just thought id point that out.
Well, i know a few who surpass my knowledge of BM, but i guess it is a little suprising considering my age. Not many people think im 16 anyway; thankfully, age discrimination is a tick of mine.
I'm not sure, it just seems that a large amount of people I've crossed online who are considerably knowledgable in the field of BM are under 17.

I hope to be a judeo-christian slaughtering, nordic steel bearing, satan worshipping, tr00 pagan by the age of 17. :)
yeh. and you naturaly look pretty necro. no need for corpse paint becuase you already are all black an white. darkthrone has to buy their necro at a store and aply it in front of a mirror, but you were born necro.i admire that.
wow.....I never even consiered that!!!


although...it's not very tr00 paint.....i's all fake like them norsecore fags

but Im a penguin...they're sure to accept me, RIGHT? RIGHT?!?!