Orange tiny terror mids


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So, I don't know why I'm only just noticing this now but I seem to be getting the honkiest tone (or atleast I think I am) out of my amp.

Typically I dial the tone knob at around 12, not too bright/bassy, put on some headphones and find a good mic position but when I finally get to putting it under a microscope and listening when I'm mixing I find myself constantly making up to a 6db cut in the mids just to get rid of the honk.

Here's a quick mix to show you what I mean

Mids cut with mids scooped.mp3

Mids with mids.mp3

Maybe I'm just over scooping but do any of you other orange users have this sort of problem?

I've had this problem through other cabs aswell, from 4x12's to 1x12's it still exists.
Weird, the diference between the 2 doesn`t sound like a 6db cut to me . The non scooped one sure is a bit on the honky side but not that much . Good tone btw .
I think it works better with the cut in a mix sense. I know you weren't talking about the other elements, but I think you'd have a really cool sludge/hardcore sort of sound if you upped the bass a little, dropped the kick back a fair bit and left it at that with the mid cut guitars.
fair enough, thought it was just me :lol:
suprised you liked the tones too

edit: also since some of you seem to like this tone just thought I'd let you know it's coming from a 1x12. I know for a fact that's not where the mids are coming from as I had the same problem with my 4x12 as I already stated