Org Mode on 2ch Rectos...come in

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just trying my beloved recto again (in anticipation of my new Rackto ;) ) and just switched to the orange channel again (I'm hardly using it)....
it really sounds like a thick blanket is over the speaker unless the presence is turned past 3:00 then it opens up and sounds great.
so the facory settings are pretty much useless....every setting is when the pres is below 3:00....with the presence around 3:30-4:00 it sounds awesome though (as open as the modern/red but less bass and a bit creamier mids)

is it the same on your 2ch Rectos?
On my 3 ch DR, I've been using Orange channel in Vintage mode quite a bit, and it definitely doesn't open up until the presence gets to about 2 o'clock. I usually have mine set at 3:00, with my Treble up pretty high also (1:30-2:00). I'm hoping to record some clips as soon as I get my TS from my rehearsal space.
On my 3 channel dual I use the orange channel on vintage for leads, so I don't get too worried about a darker sound because it can help add a lot of smoothness.

I know that Nic (Bekanor) uses modern on his orange channel for leads though because his vintage sounds very different to my vintage - he has a 2ch RevG I think.
yeah, in theory it SHOULD be like this...
the lack of negative feedback in the modern mode is like cranking the presence and Resonance, so it should be clear that cranking the pres n the vintage mode should get th sound closer to the modern mode....
was just a bit confused cause the sounds the manual suggests (pres below 3:00) are so dark that they are pretty much unusable for anything but some blues licks
I dunno, I found that even after turning up the presence, there was still a weird sorta muffled quality to the tone - cool for leads, still not nearly as much for rhythm as modern Red :headbang:
As I said, I prefer the dark sound for leads. Even when the presence is turned up a fair way, it still sounds nice and dark and creamy, which I prefer for leads. I'm not running any effects besides an OD so I don't have reverb/delay to make my lead sound get juiced up to a nice pleasant state. :lol:

Ola recently recorded that new song of his on the orange channel using vintage/tube recto and it sounded great though.
Ola recently recorded that new song of his on the orange channel using vintage/tube recto and it sounded great though.

true...would be surprised if that was with the presence lower though---
then again his presence-settings for his cool Savage tones don't work for me at all (sounds way too muffled here)...I guess his cab is rather treble heavy....sounds really good though
In the video comparison he did he shows you the settings on his recto. From memory the presence was up around 2 or 3 o'clock - I tried it out and it didn't work for me so now I'm looking at my recto and my presence is still around 10:30 or 11:00 where I leave it foe my leads. :)
Just for clarify a little sorry but you speak about what?
Org on vintage mod or org clone to modern? Silicon diode or Tube?

I often play with org clone to modern and I never set my press more than 14h (with g75 not v30)... Sound good for me
yeap its the same with my 3ch, i love the diff presence range on the orange vintage, i think orange channel vintage is my fav setup for most things.
Also figure that your new racto will have custom transformers (and the old ones, of course). It's going to sound a little... shall I say, more monster?

I know you loved the tonez on the Gojira song I posted back in the day. That's what this amp is about. Teh roarz. You're gonna love it :worship:

Also, PM me about shipping details, your venture to the U.S.- we seem to always be missing eachother on AIM.

You should make a special trip to my house to play the br00tal amp collection :devil: