New Rectos at NAMM

they should make a simple version just for the metalheads , no tube rectifiers, just the bold setting, + built in tubecreamerlike boost + gate, that would be perfect.

I would love that. A Recto with less options and a much lower price point. Hell get it built in China and make it a wee 20 watt thing. A Mesa Rec Jr. Then I might actually be able to afford one someday.
Boosting rectos is pretty much standard in metal, but I am sure a lot of rock bands use rectos without boosting them, and to them the added tubescreamer and added cost might be a downer.

Haha, somehow I don't think $30 worth of circuitry is going to add much to the production cost of an amp that retails for ~$4k.

But yes, back to the thread: do want. One day I'll have to pick one up just to have that safety net available. The Recto is still the amp that sits in mixes better than anything else in existence. It can do Rock to Metal beyond proficiently and covers almost every base apart from clean tones.
I deeply apologize for ever participating in that argument.

Your 3-Channel Recto though through your Mustaine cab is by far one of the best Recto tones I have ever heard.

On that note, Lasse bought my two channel Rackto, so I'm buying a new 3-Channel Recto :headbang:

Haha I don't mind really, it was tough for me to get the 3 channel so I had no chance of a 2 channel *ive never even seen on in person over here* so its all good.

Thanks for the compliment! Can't wait to let people hear the tones on my upcoming EP, smoke anything else ive done, plus Metaljonsey helped! :kickass:

Nice man, let us know how it is when you get it! I thought Lasse already had a racktifier.....ah well it can't hurt no matter what :)
Thanks for the compliment! Can't wait to let people hear the tones on my upcoming EP, smoke anything else ive done, plus Metaljonsey helped! :kickass:

Nice man, let us know how it is when you get it! I thought Lasse already had a racktifier.....ah well it can't hurt no matter what :)

Credit where credit is due :headbang:

Nope Lasse [didn't] have a racktifier. He does now :heh:

I needed a change, and there is definitely no better person this amp could go to in the world other than Lasse :headbang:

It's either a new 3-Channeler or the Roadster for me. Sweetwater doesn't charge tax to NY and free shipping, so as soon as Lasse sends me the loot, it will be incoming!
Hmm roadster vs 2010 recto...that would be a tough one for me....the new recto sounds like it could be cool since its an "improved recto", recto being such a stable in metal....although on the other hand the roadster has been around a while and has been tried and tested with good reviews.....tbh if I was you I would no doubt hold out for the 2010 sure you could shift it fairly easily if you didn't like it and purchase a roadster afterwards :)
I still want a Roadster, cuz there's no mention of them changing the voicing of the new 3-channels, and while I like it, I like the slightly darker voicing of the Roadster more
Haha, somehow I don't think $30 worth of circuitry is going to add much to the production cost of an amp that retails for ~$4k.

Yeh I guess you're right. :lol:

Still seems like something that I would rather keep external of the amp though, but that is just me.