2010 and newer Dual Rectifiers?


Jan 31, 2007
Hey Guys...
Has anyone had a chance to test out the new multi-watt dual rectifiers? What's the verdict? If I remember correctly, LolzGreg likes them... Anyone else have anything to say about them? How do they compare to the older two channel and three channel heads?

I have an early two channel head that I love. I'm just wondering if I sell it and go to the new three channel head, will I regret it? It would be nice to have a usable clean channel...

53Crëw;9787470 said:
I'm just wondering if I sell it and go to the new three channel head, will I regret it?

I know, Greg likes the 2010 and often he's right....
In this case I couldn't disagree more though...if you're looking for high gain tones the early 2ch (Schumacher trannies) still blow the new 3ch out of the water..

if you're looking for clean sounds and versatility go with the 3ch......if you're looking for awesome high gain: 2ch all the way
OK now a curveball...the 2ch. vs. the roadster anyone? There's a 400$ (40%+ of the 2ch.) price difference in the 2ch.'s favor...and I have a JVM410 as well.

The Roadster does look mighty versatile, just don't know if the extra cash spent on a used one is worth it? It is effectively 4 channels, 12 modes + verb. Just like the JVM.
Thanks for the comments, guys.

@Lasse - I don't really want to compromise my high gain tone just to have three channels...

Maybe I'll just stick with what I have for now...

Every head is different. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you love your head, leave it be.

I think my 2010 3-Channel was a bit more aggressive, but I could have just turned up the presence on the 2 channel ;)

I think Lasse loves the Recto I sold him. I'd trust him on this one :)
OK now a curveball...the 2ch. vs. the roadster anyone? There's a 400$ (40%+ of the 2ch.) price difference in the 2ch.'s favor...and I have a JVM410 as well.

The Roadster does look mighty versatile, just don't know if the extra cash spent on a used one is worth it? It is effectively 4 channels, 12 modes + verb. Just like the JVM.

I have a Roadster and an early 2 channel (Rev F w/ the Mark III transformers). I like the Roadster better.

The Roadster solves a couple of issues I have with my 2 channel...

1) I think Vintage sounds better with the tube rectifier while Modern sounds better with the diode rectifier. On the 2 channel I have to pick one rectifier or the other. On the Roadster I can assign the rectifier by channel, so I get the best of both worlds.

2) On the 2 channel I have to give up my clean channel to have a dedicated lead channel, or give up my lead channel to have a clean channel. The Roadster is 4 channels... problem solved.

3) I also like having a mid-gain option that falls between clean and high gain. The Roadster gives me this via Tweed and Raw modes (I hate Brit mode, but it's an option too).

4) The FX loop on my 2 channel blows.

5) The 2 channel doesn't produce a very good lead tone. I'm not sure why... it's just kind of uninspiring. The Roadster on the other hand has much more of a singing/compressed lead tone.

6) The Roadster works better at low volumes.

That's my take on it. I still use my 2 channel when all I want/need is a two channel amp with no effects.... however, as a live amp all the extra features/channels plus the better sounding loop on the Roadster come in extremely handy.