Origin of the name FuSoYa


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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Isn't he that old geezer in Final Fantasy 4 for Super Nintendo, when you land on the moon and have to go into that room with all the pressure plates?
Now THAT was a scary game. Remember the living wall that came forward, and the subterranean frogs & alligators?
I have night-and-day-mares just thinking about it.
I'll accept the following articles of trade:

Tom Jones albums,
Tom Jones cds,
Tom Jones tapes,
Morta Skuld demos

Right. No Power Metal, please! :heh:
Frost Giants are cool, but Fire Giants are without parallel.
Stone Giants are simply idiotic. Cloud Giants are somewhat aloof, and Hill Giants remind me of people from Southern New Jersey.
Against The Giants. Yeah!
you should have seen FuSoYa's original avatar!

confession: i have not played a final fantasy game. ever.

also: I have 1 Deep Purple record (album, as in vinyl): Machine Head. Paid 33 cents for it. I used to have my Mom's Tom Jones records, but she asked for them back when she got her kickin home theater/stereo system and new record player. We used to play them on the radio show.

Tom Jones Live at the Flamingo and Live in Las Vegas. Those ruled.

"Ladies and gentlemen- this IS TOM JONES!!"
*many girlish screams*
I used to be a die hard fan of videogames...the last game I played was MK 2 (arcade)
Honestly, The Secret of Mana series totally blew the other RPGs out of the water in my opinion. The realtime combat and multiplayer made it a much better game than the FF games, and the sequel, with the multiple plot lines depending on which characters you choose, was incredibly rad.