*Original Metal Recording and Mix - The Hand That Feeds*


Dec 26, 2011
Hi Guys!


Here is a link to our latest song that i have recorded and mixed. This is only my 3rd ever attempt at mixing, and am quite happy with sound of it. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some constructive pointers regarding the mixing and/or mastering of this song, i am always looking to improve, and still have a lot to learn, so anything will be taken on board!

Post some of your stuff too if you would like me to take a listen and give you some feedback in return!

thanks! :headbang:
sounds pretty decent, but there are some problems with it. First, it's the playing. The guitar's aren't very well in sync with the kick, they're played pretty sloppy. You could also bring the OH's up in the mix and give the snare some verb. About the mastering, you really don't need to compress it so much, it's pumping.