Original ragers still left?


Imported Killer
Who here is left from the fanbase.com days of Anthrax online? I know there's me (who wasn't hugely active), Ty, Alex, and Ron "MOSH" Earl. Is Matt Vela from Kansas City still around here?
This board, of course, is still the "Rage Area."

*longs for the days when Christine(-a?) ran the fan club*
Some idiot was flaming the hell out of him and we were the only ones that stood up for him. Then he posted towards him, called him a "punk ass motherfucker"
The first song I heard off of stomp was american poppeia. I Thought it sucked. And decided against buying the album. Then I heard Random acts and fueled ( years later mind you) and loved it. AMerican Pomopeia even grew on me.
Oh, and my handle on here used to be AlexRamboner but I had to get a new one because I forgot my password. I don't even remember what my handle was during the Rage days.