Original Score I'm writing in vein of The Gathering/old Porcupine Tree


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
http://www.myspace.com/modernsymphonyband - Sleepy buildings -(to be renamed) (C)True Blue Originals

Short version:
Feedback requested, may need to turn up speakers.

Long version:

This is an original score that I'm writing for the Greensboro Concert Band, a local community band I play in. I started writing this this past Sunday (21st), and should be done with it on Sunday (28th). Aside from some selected harmony, it just needs a transition to a tenor sax solo, a transition to a second verse, possibly a second chorus, and a conclusion.

The title is named after The Gathering's semi(?) acoustic live album called Sleepy Buildings and has Anneke's voice & the band's style, in mind.
Originally, bassoon is the template for the vocals for a different version of the tune I plan to write. I decided to keep the guitars/bass/vocals out for this version and have the bassoon represent a male character (as our bassoonist is a male) singing the first verse... and either a flute or clarinet to represent a female character singing the, to be written, second verse.

Please let me know what you think.

Also, who would be the male counter part to Anneke in terms of vocal range/style?