orl hypocrisy show


May 1, 2004
Swamps of despair
well i just got back from the hypocrisy show here in orlando... second time ive seen them and the second time that i said they got the best show ever. co-opener and they fucking ruled all. and what the fuck was this soilwork shit? thats got to be the most hardcore thing i have ever seen... and i mean hardcore in a bad way... .very very bad way. god damn they fucking blow. how do people like them?? why did i stay and watch the first 5 songs of their set? why did i watch dark tranquility anyways? why didnt hypocrisy just play the whole fucking show? peter fucking rules!!!! maybe he coulda played a bunch of bloodbath stuff.... btw anyone hear the new blodbath? i think it fucking rules! another reason peter is so fucking amazing! anyways, hypocrisy and satan rule! soilwork and jesus suck!
that new soilwork album really sucks...figure number five was ok, nothing I here regularly, but much better than the new stuff...hypocrisy rules, peter has just one of the best voices in dm, that bloodbath album is pretty good, although I think the mikael akerfeld stuff is better
Hypocrisy is an awesome fucking band and Bloodbath is almost more fucking awesome. Yeah, I never understid this pop melody trend in metal, with In Flames and shit, like what the fuck is that all about? Usually its a fairly heavy metal song, nothing special, but then it gets abruptly interupted by some goddamn britney spears melody, wtf? Since when did that become metal? I know it's cool to break rules and all, but this?
promoter fucked up with the location and venue on that one
1. club too small (how the fuck does one cause a deathmetal show too sell out is beyond me, I guess someone has too much money and thinks metal has enough exposure as it is, some couldn't get in)
2. should have been in Tampa (half the people at the show were from tampa bay area, or so I was told)

I used to be into Hypocrisy (big time), back in '94, don't like their last few albums and they don't really play older pieces anyway, I liked their original vocalist much better, perhaps Peters vox fit the newer stuff better

never heard Soilwork

and Dark Tranquility, well, got better dance music at home, just ask Belgar,

so overall not much of a loss by missing the show
basically agree with you tomasz, Hypocrisy were fucking great in the day on there last few albums well i have heard a few songs off the last 3-4 i think and well they just turned away from something great. As for soilwork i think they lost if after chainheart machine, been into them since steelbath came out so you would expect anyone into them since the start would think that there new shit is just pure crap. Best DT album imo is The Minds I
I never got it how Florida can be such a death metal "Capital" if you will (I know it's a state, but) It's sunny all the time and people are like wearing white loafers and shit + it's full of cubans and seniors. I guess I haven't spent enough time there, but it's the lace I would least expect a music movement like this one spawn out of.
This tour had a good package, but I stayed out for Soilwork. :p
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I never got it how Florida can be such a death metal "Capital" if you will (I know it's a state, but) It's sunny all the time and people are like wearing white loafers and shit + it's full of cubans and seniors. I guess I haven't spent enough time there, but it's the lace I would least expect a music movement like this one spawn out of.

1991 just called and said it wants its broad generalizations back.