Orphaned Land DVD (2nd trailer posted 10/10)

Looks interesting... A few questions for those that are into them:

1. Has anyone read about their position on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
2. Are the lyrics overtly religious?
3. What is a good album to start with?

Looks interesting... A few questions for those that are into them:

1. Has anyone read about their position on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
2. Are the lyrics overtly religious?
3. What is a good album to start with?


1. Yes. I have personally interviewed Kobi twice and they have talked about it. I don't want to elaborate too much, but run a search on some of their interviews - including their ProgPower X one that Zod conducted. Brilliant mind, brilliant ideals and points.

2. No. They basically defend the peaceful co-existance of all belief systems.

3. Mabool and then The Neverending Way of OrWarrior. Believe me, they will change your life. :)
From Kobi (vocalist) in 2010:

Kobi: We got responses from everywhere. If you're a Catholic, Muslim, Jew or even a metalhead who sees us in those outfits, you could think it's some kind of parody. Most of the comments we got from the U.S. were saying it was completely ridiculous. What we want to say is that we are not a white metal band, we are not missionaries, we're not telling people to go to church or that religion is good for you. This is not what we're about. What we are actually trying to say is that religion is about morality, compassion, tolerance, things like that. If religions are killing each other for centuries in the name of God, then why do you say that Orphaned Land is ridiculous? They are very much ridiculous doing those things in the name of God.

We, as metal people, feel very bored wearing Morbid Angel shirts, sunglasses and make a cool face into the camera. This isn't what we want to do. We are trying to say something in our music, and the concept of the band is very deep. We are trying to say, why can't you just get along? We are trying to tell religious groups, who have such a huge responsibility, if you cannot get along, maybe we, the metal people, can give you an example of how to get along. That's what we are trying to say, and it's important to say it. We are trying to unite everybody together.

Chad Bowar: In the region where you live, there is a lot of violence between Israelis and Arabs. But I understand you've seen a lot of unity at your shows, and through your music.

Kobi Farhi: Yes, and the most amazing thing is that Orphaned Land are Israelis. We are Jewish, and we have a lot of Arab fans, which is completely insane. You couldn't imagine the fans of the Los Angeles Lakers cheering for the Boston Celtics, for example. This is not basketball, this is real life, and we are killing each other. How bizarre that an Israeli band has a huge stream of followers coming from the countries of enemies. This a great honor. It shows the power of music, a weapon that doesn't kill or destroy or divide, but a weapon that unites people. It may sound like hippie crap, but I come from a place where I have to raise kids that will go into the Army to fight terrorists who are coming to kill them. We are trying to change that, and we're trying to change it with music.
Have you had any issues with the police or government being a metal band?

No, because Israel is a democracy, the only democracy in the Middle East. We have the freedom to do whatever we want without being hassled. But just a few kilometers away, you have regimes that are not democratic, and the metalheads there have to live in underground situations that you cannot even imagine. Just walking down the street with long hair and a Slayer t-shirt will get you hassled or attacked in some countries. We know of a fan in Egypt that was thrown into jail for six months, just because the authorities found an Orphaned Land song in his house.

We in Israel, who live in an open-minded country, have an opportunity to be ambassadors to all the Middle Eastern metalheads. If a guy from Baghdad goes to Ozzfest and plays Orphaned Land to his American friends could tell them it's metal music that also represents culture from his region. Being from Israel, it's easier for us to play metal, to express our opinions and to play all around the world. We are ambassadors for Arab metalheads in this region as well.
Interesting... I will buy those CDs and check them out. Thanks for the quick replies!
3. Mabool and then The Neverending Way of OrWarrior. Believe me, they will change your life. :)
Yes! Agreed 100%, especially Mabool.

I would say to check out Mabool first, as the songs on there are a little more "straight-forward" (couldn't think of a better way to explain) and easier to follow. And the songs on Mabool are catchier. The album gives a great understanding to everything Orphaned Land.

Get Mabool first. You WILL NOT regret it!:headbang:
Awesome song.
Hell yes! My favorite Orphaned Land song!
The section with Steven Wilson and Kobi Fahri singing together sent chills through my spine.

Yeah, mixing Wilson in on the new stuff sounds ok, but WTF were they thinking letting him take "The Beloved's Cry" out of the desert and turn it into a sodden British Porcupine?! I was waiting to see if they'd include *anything* from the first half of their career, and that's what they gave me? Especially when you have Shlomit on hand!! Ugh.

The mob-chant part in "Disciples of the Sacred Oath 2" sounded awesome.

Wow. That trailer looked incredible. This is a must buy! I wasn't a fan of their last album (doesn't come even remotely close to Mabool!) but maybe seeing the tracks again live will renew some interest. Can't wait!
3. Mabool and then The Neverending Way of OrWarrior. Believe me, they will change your life. :)

Very much, yes.

I really believe Kobi loves all humanity with a bizarre passion that freaks me out.

Yossi is my godfather of guitar. He is so supportive of ANYONE wanting to pursue ANY musical interest.

I have seen them live twice, and they have blown me away both times.