Orphaned Land live in Moscow - April 12 2008


Yachad el ha'or
Apr 12, 2008
Hi all,

Last night there was a splendid OL show at the 'Tochka' club in Moscow.
They were 2 guitars, bass, vocals and drumset, that is no female vocals, no ethno-percussion and no keyboard. Still, 5 was enough to deliver the great drive and melodics of their music.

OL was on the set along with Dark Lunacy (death metal from Italy with symphonic pieces) and Turisas (folk-death metal from Finland), however one could feel that most of the people present came to hear Orphaned Land (just like myself). OL played second, after Dark Lunacy.

The setlist was somethig like the following:
Intro (something really special, with wonderful Arabic vocals, presumably a piece from the forthcoming ORwarriOR album);
Birth Of The Three
Seasons Unite
Ocean Land
El Meod Na'Ala
Nora El Norra
Of Temptation Born

and a few more 'hits' they performed on most of their shows in 2007. That is, mostly energetic and catchy fast pieces with epic lines.

The auditory went absolutely mad - headbanging, jumping, slamming, singing along with 'Le-hla ley-la-la' parts - so the frontman/singer even did not have to warm us up really much - we all were ready to rock ;)
In the middle of the set the frontman asked if we wanted some vodka and started feeding vodka to the crazy fans standing next to the stage and drinking it himself, and so did Yossi (the brilliant guitarist; pity he did not play Oud, Bouzuki and Saz on this concert) and the bass-player. [Personally I disliked this, being a straightedger, but this was unusual.]
What surprised me was that the vocalist (Kobi) kept singing both clean and growling parts precisely and perfectly all during the show - harsh and extreme and heavenly and heartfelt when necessary, passing smoothly from one to another.

When the musicians were leaving the stage I managed to shake hands with Yossi and the bass-player. The fans were shouting "We want more!", still unfortunately there was no encore.

I think the band was positively surprised that they were so much welcome in Russia, and I really hope that they come here again.

PS: In a couple of days I'll share the bootleg I recorded.
Thank you for your great report. It's seems like you had great time during OL live shows. I thought Yossi doesn't drink any beer at all?
Great report.
I was on that concert too. Kobi's vocals, actually, shocked me: I knew his clear voice is beautiful, but I haven't ever thought that it sounds so OUTSTANDING live.
I was ready to fall on my knees and worship him near the stage, really. :) It was a pity they spent the least time on stage, comparing to other two bands (Dark Lunacy and Turisas). Wanna hear them live again. Dreaming of it.
Orphaned Land. Are. The. Best. :)
PS: They also played The Kiss Of Babylon and Ornaments Of Gold (it was the last song on the set). The ending 'doomish' guitar solo was perfectly supported by the choir of fans' voices.

It's really pity they did not perform The Beloved's Cry, but I think it would not sound as impressive as it did at the acoustic show in Tel-Aviv without female 'Yemenite' vocals.
Many thanks for the report and your kind words :) we did have a Great time in Russia and hope to come back soon.

I don't drink Vodka or too much alchohol in general - I drank on stage Water, and gave the audience Water, not anything else..

All the folk instruments I play on the album + female vox, percussions etc came from the computer because its simply Not realistic to put on a plane so many people and/or play 4 to 5 instruments at the same time :) I do play those instruments live in some of the shows. Also - it's too much to carry through planes, in terms of quantity and Safety of instruments... they break easily, all made from gentle wood.

The intro was not from Orwarrior (as Yannick corrected), but there is a lot of music from the new album boiling in my head as I write these lines.. :) we plan to record in a short time, still hoping for a 2008 release.

Xorosho to all the nice people that made this trip and shows a pleasent and well remembered experience!
Hi Yossi, rav todot for your response!

Yeah, vodka (and alcohol in general) suxxx badly, and this is so good that you share this point of view as unfortunately it's rather uncommon for the rock/metal stars. Sorry for the mistake :)

Anyway, I guess most of the ppl at the show adored the idea as heavy drinking is unfortunately the traditional way of socializing in Russia.

Please pass my Central Asian (Kyrgyz) "Yssyk salam jana kosh kelenizder dostor!" and Russian "Preved chuvaki, priezjayte snova!" to all the guys in the band and to Shlomit [I'm in love with her voice!]

PS: "Horosho" means "well/good"; "thank you" is "spasibo" [literally "SaveGod"] ;)

PPS: *off-topic* Do you know Haggard - the doom-death medieval metal meets baroque/Rakhmaninov classics band from Germany? I find their music just as marvelous and versatile as yours, and they also are going to release their next album in the late 2008. I believe these two releases will rock the world!

PPPS: The idea of unification of "the Snake", "the Eagle" and "the Lion" is absolutely wonderful!

Perhaps one day it could be broadened with Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, Veddism, the religions of Krishnu, Sikh, Sintaism, Soufism, Druidism, Shamanism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Babi-Baha'I, the Sumerian religion, pagan Scandinavian, Antique Greek, Maya/Aztec and Slavic religions, the colorful pagan religions of the African, Australian and American continents etc. ;)
I guess all religions are linked to some special music and unique art, and the cross-cultural mix/world music projects are always so special - let's take [non-metal] Dead Can Dance, Yanni Hrisomallis, Loreena McKennitt, Shanti, Jesse Cook, ...
We have posted some photos and videos from DARKSIDE.ru annivesary festival (DARK LUNACY, ORPHANED LAND and TURISAS) here:

Moscow (12.04.2008): http://www.darkside.ru/report/2860/
Saint-Petersburg (13.04.2008): http://www.darkside.ru/report/2861/


Also i have made small road video from Russia here:


PS: Hi Yossi! Have you recieved my email?
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