Orphaned Land's favourite album

Orphaned Land's favourite album

  • The beloved's cry (Demo)

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Sahara

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • El Norra Alila

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters
It'll be even more cool if you'll explain why you chose what you chose.
I chose "Sahara" although I had a hard time choosing my favourite album, each of them is unique in it's own way and it was very hard for me to decide, therefor I decided to ignore the musical aspect since I can't really choose only one of this gems by musical aspects as they are all so divine, so I chose "Sahara" because of it's nostalgic value to me.
El Norra Alila by far. Great vocals, amazing guitar. One of Yossi's guitar solo's there realy made me shed a tear.

Oh, kobi, remember (ahem...) something about this CD? oh, and ask Burak why isn't he sending me stuff to translate and why isn't he taking care of "mootzrey halehaker"
10 people vote but only 3 have explained what guided them to vote the way they did, so I hereby summon the other unholy 7 to explain their votes :cool:
Well, I chose El Nora Alila because I find it to be one of the most complete musical statements ever recorded in metal -- how's THAT for heavy!!

Seriously: I could wax on and on and on about the eternal nature of what this music and the lyrical themes evoke in me . . . flawless CD, IMHO.
Man, I'm relying on this thread to help me decide on a cd to acquire. But it aint helping. One of these needs to take a commanding lead. I suppose I could get all of em, but if my mind doesn't take to the music then I'm just left with some expensive coasters. And I've got plenty of those already. So lets put one over the top shall we. :D
I voted for EL NORRA...althought I like the demo and Sahara very much... all are great but El Norra has only news stuff and... it possess some most killer riffs in the death metal ever
My advice, take all 3, one can't really decide which is best since each is different and each is the same, it's very hard to explain this paradox, those who listen to it know what I'm talking about.
I see you're from the US, why don't you get in the official site:
www.orphaned-land.co.il, and check out the merchandise part?
I'm sure that if you take all 3 it will be much cheaper than to purchase them in the US even including shipping..
i voted El Norra as well. it`s deferently a turn point in folk metal field. it took folk metal southward for the first time, and not for a single song. so did Sahara and the legendary Demo tape!
El Nora Alila
This is the first album of OL i got to hear... after that i had the other 2 albums too but i still think El Nora Alila is the best.
Now, what's up with the MABOOL you guys..? how long can we suffer under this "hamsin"? we want more!! ;) ;) ;)
I highly doubt I'd be able to purchase them in the US anyway. I listened to the MP3s, but considering there are a crap load of bands I want, I like to spread it out a little and that's why I usually don't buy all at once. I'll figure it out. I guess I've had harder decisions to make. :)
FrostGiant, It'll be a little hard for someone who's not from the middle east to understand Sahara, I think, harder to digest if you don't have the right "ground", if you know what I mean. El Norra Alilla is clearer.
I'll explain myslef: You know when you start talking to a person who dosen't know anything about Metal and you shoot out stuff like "the second riff had a stronger guitar sound but you can see a clear influence from the Heavy Metal genre and in the same time it's pure Death Metal, not too Thrashy and not at all Doomish". The person you'll talk too would just stand and gaze at you like you just said a bundle of gibberish. Same here (well, not the same, it's not as hard too understand as the example I gave), we know these musical instruments and some of the prayers, and we are used to hear arab and heberw, but the combination of these may 'cause two reactions:
A) Exotic appeal
B) You saying "huh?!"

And so dude, I recommend first buy ENA, and some time later buy Sahara (and then Mabool, hehe)
Yeah, but after a while you'll appreciate every single sound. The thing about Sahara is that you can hear the youth in Kobi's voice and the freshness in the music, and that's something that I realy love in that album. You can't imitate the roar that lies in the sound that is created by a group of ambitious teeangers search and creating a new sound.
I voted for El Norra Alila. This was not an easy choice. I first bought Sahara WAY back in like 1994 or 1995. I really enjoyed the sound. You always had a sort of "My Dying Bride" feel to your music, only it was very unique with the sounds of your homeland mixed in. Very original. It was always the "hook" for me. I found El Norra Alila a few years later at a local metalfest, and i think it just has stronger material on it. Same sound, maybe a bit heavier, and at times, even more sounds from Isreal. I really enjoy the music, I guess for its flavors of originality.