Initiating an Orphaned Land concert in your country/city!


Yachad el ha'or
Apr 12, 2008

As Orphaned Land guys mentioned on their FaceBook you can initiate an Orphaned Land's concert in your city or part of the world. To do that:

- Contact your local metal concert organizers and have them interested.
- Contact Kobi Farhi: this board's user KO_B (or you can also find and contact him on FaceBook).
- Let them contact each other and reach an agreement.
- Get in touch with your local metal communities and promote the concert.

Metal dreams come true with Orphaned Land :rock::rock::rock:
Great work Postmodernist. I see you can help people a bit with advice.
If there is anyone on this forum who has good contacts with bookers, knows how these things are done, knows anyone who knows someone who... hey- you catch my drift here. Just connect to them. If someone has a contact who is interested for sure and has a proposition or something like that. You can contact me
I will put the person through to the right people.

ps- It also helps to write to festivals and such. State how you saw the band gets a crowd crazy, how special they are, that they bring something new to the crowd with their Middle Eastern metal! Use the news written on the Century Media site and other big important sites to link in your mail. Think about including a list of big festivals they played ( go to the tour dates page for that)
Postmodernist, clubs won't be interested in it - they make there money on beer and local festivals, the only way is to get in touch with "metal concert organizations".
As far as I know Tochka and Ten' and XO and B1 Maximum invited In Extermo, Umbra et Imago, Forest Stream, God Is An Astronaut, Apocalyptica, Nightwish etc.

Afterall, everything depends on active promotion within doom, death, gothic, folk metal etc. communities.
Forest Stream's members are from Moscow XD

Ten' has new owners and changed its name to 1Rock.

Either way I'll see what i can do)
I've been doing my bit bombarding the organizers. The big one is fucking commercial, will agree only if there are crowds of 30-40,000 upwards and sees an opportunity to make shitloads of money. The smaller ones are soon catching up [We're getting the not-so-famous bands here in India since the past year and a half, Textures and Amon Amarth in 3 weeks, Porcupine Tree about 6 weeks away] so hopefully things work out soon :D .
Well you are a one man taskforece I see- hopefully your hard work will be rewarded. I know for one that Kobi and Matti will be happy to return to India. They traveled in the country for some months. Did you ever notice the small print on Mabool- where you can see a vocal part of Kobi was secretly recorded in the Taj Mahal (-:
Maybe they will arrest him in the airport for this when he returns...
Hmm, they once came to Mexico like in 2005 supporting Kreator and Tristania. I have some contact with a guy who is behind the people who bring Metal bands to play here in Monterrey, and he does like Orphaned Land, the things is that I don't know how many people will they pull, because I don't know how popular is this band here, they should've come with Opeth this year when they played here, but at that moment they were busy with the recordings of ORwarriOR. However, I'll try to get help in promoting them if they ever come.
Well you are a one man taskforece I see- hopefully your hard work will be rewarded. I know for one that Kobi and Matti will be happy to return to India. They traveled in the country for some months. Did you ever notice the small print on Mabool- where you can see a vocal part of Kobi was secretly recorded in the Taj Mahal (-:
Maybe they will arrest him in the airport for this when he returns...

Well, the way the system works here is really screwed up. For starters, even if they do have the knowledge of him recording in the Taj Mahal, 2 USD is enough to bail him out :D unofficially of course. Its amazing if they've travelled here for months, its so vast and diverse its crazy. I think here in India the number of metalheads is greater than the population of some of your countries :D I do sincerely hope that Kobi and Matti return soon though.

Haha yeah I spotted myself at the clipping of the Maiden gig, met Sam Dunn before the show as well. It was seriously madness.. And Sam got the number wrong, it was closer to 60,000 ! And apparently the part in 'Fear Of The Dark' crowd chant bit could be heard be heard by my friend who was 4-5 km away from the concert venue.
The guy whose face is frozen, is the vocalist/guitarist of the band whose second album cover is my display picture :D.
Thanks for the tip about the USD Ananth- good to have some local knowledge.:wave:

By the way- most Israelis travel to India not to flee the army as Postmodernist suggested, but because it is custom to make a long trip after finishing school/ the army (in any of the two orders). When you have quite some money, you go to the US ( and probably have half your family waiting there for you to spoil you rotten:grin:) When you have less money and are more adventurous, you go to India, Thailand... I see that having been in Israel for quite some months really helps to explain things sometimes. I've been talking to everyone there, from the cleaning lady to managers/ executives! :Smug:

Wow Ananth, the way you describe the show in India. Well, I guess it was one of those moments that you should have been there to understand the scale of the thing. I bet it made you feel proud to stand there with your fellow metalfans and celebrate your music :worship:
Thanks for the tip about the USD Ananth- good to have some local knowledge.:wave:

By the way- most Israelis travel to India not to flee the army as Postmodernist suggested, but because it is custom to make a long trip after finishing school/ the army (in any of the two orders). When you have quite some money, you go to the US ( and probably have half your family waiting there for you to spoil you rotten:grin:) When you have less money and are more adventurous, you go to India, Thailand... I see that having been in Israel for quite some months really helps to explain things sometimes. I've been talking to everyone there, from the cleaning lady to managers/ executives! :Smug:

Wow Ananth, the way you describe the show in India. Well, I guess it was one of those moments that you should have been there to understand the scale of the thing. I bet it made you feel proud to stand there with your fellow metalfans and celebrate your music :worship:

Also, I guess after every 7 years teachers get a year off to travel around the world? We had an Israeli family staying in my School last year. They were from a tiny Kibbutz. It was kinda funny when the elder son [my age] quipped that I was teaching him about their music :D Although I was just explaining Orphaned Land and Shlomit Levi.

Yeah, the reactions taped before the concert in that movie reflect most of my countrymen's sentiments. We had never seen something of that sort and since most of us had grown up on Maiden, it sure was something. It was that nice kinda feeling that can't be replicated. I confess to having slipped a tear or two.
My dream is to see an Orphaned Land concert with all their fans from all cultural, political, societal backgrounds. It would be fun meeting people from diverse backgrounds.
Do any of you know is Orphaned Land is touring or plan to tour with Porcupine Tree?, they're coming to my city in April, and I wanna see if there's a chance for them to come.
most Israelis travel to India not to flee the army as Postmodernist suggested, but because it is custom to make a long trip after finishing school/ the army (in any of the two orders). When you have quite some money, you go to the US ( and probably have half your family waiting there for you to spoil you rotten:grin:) When you have less money and are more adventurous, you go to India, Thailand...

Thus explaining why a certain ex-paratrooper named Daniel was in Stockholm to drink 750 litres of beer one weekend with me in 1988!