Orpheus Omega - Archways Across Asia (Live DVD clip)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys.
Our Live DVD which was recorded during our tour across Asia a few months ago is about to come out (November 3rd).
Here's a clip from one of the shows in Wuhan/ China that we played.

I'd love your thoughts on the mix. Each show was mixed slightly different but we took DI's of Guitars/ Bass (Sansamp DI) and triggered the kicks for some consistency across the DVD.

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Great video! I'm curious as to the setup of the live recording for all the shows. Like, did you talk to the sound guy at the shows (You played a few festivals right? Not just headline shows?) and ask them to send you an aux output of all mic'd things to send to your interface+laptop? Getting the DIs and triggered kick is easy of course, independent of what's going to the PA.
Great video! I'm curious as to the setup of the live recording for all the shows. Like, did you talk to the sound guy at the shows (You played a few festivals right? Not just headline shows?) and ask them to send you an aux output of all mic'd things to send to your interface+laptop? Getting the DIs and triggered kick is easy of course, independent of what's going to the PA.

We had our sound guy come with us for the tour :D
He brought his Macbook Pro and Motu interface with him. Took splits from the box at every show \m/ The festival was a fucking nightmare, 25 minute set up including hooking up the recording gear. It was mayhem lol.
Kämpfer;10928990 said:
So the drums are panned audience perspective, but the guitars +backing vocals are panned stage perspective? :p

Sounds great anyway man

SHHHHH... Yeah I done goofed on that one. Because it was from 9 different shows, I imported a few of the instruments on the wrong left/right perspective and then didn't notice >_<
Had it playing in the background of a work out (or was it during washing once???) and it sounded really good for a compilation of live shows!
I need to find a moment to sit down with it properly.