I respect your opinion, and I know where you are coming from. Would Bin Laden not have been caught without certain security policies implemented by Bush? Probably not, and we should give him credit for that.
However, when all this recession bullshit kicked in, it really was a fault of Bush-era tax cuts and attitudes towards big business. Yet Obama and the Left gets the blame for it. Bush policies puts big businesses over the people, tax cuts for the super wealthy, fail ensues, yet the Right wags the finger at Obama. I don't understand the logic.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Bush is a decent person, but his administration was full of fail/greed/bettering their lives before the rest of 'Merica.
As far as I'm concerned, Obama gets the blame for all the economic stuff, which was really a fault of Bush, but Bin Laden gets killed in his administration, mostly to the credit of Bush. Score is even, meh. Next case!