OT - Anyone watch Lost?


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
The new season starts in less than 2 weeks! That was the first television show in many years that I actually had to be home to watch. The TV Guide gave out a little bit of information on Season two. Can't wait!!
Don´t know. Which season are you at now?
I´ve only seen season 1, i think


Where they´ve discovered this 'launch-for-a-ballistic-missile-site or whaeverit is.....
Season 2 starts on the 21st here. I can't wait to find out what is in the hatch and why is there a light down there? So many questions. I hope we finally start to get some answers.
I read this on MSNBC.com I cant wait. Lost rules

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, get lost. A lot of “Lost” viewers are unhappy that the season finale didn’t live up to promotional promises (Weren’t we supposed to see a lot more of the monster? And get a better view inside the hatch?). So the promises the producers are making for the start of the new season had better not be broken.

Co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof told the nation's TV critics “by the end of the first episode, you will have seen what’s in the hatch and not just a little bit of it,” and it will not involve aliens, robots, a time-travel portal or a rocket ship. It will be “something great, something cool and something that was risky. I guarantee you there will be some people who do not like what they find in the hatch.” Lindelof insists. “We are erring on the side of giving away too much as opposed to being too vague.”

As for the mid-ocean cliffhanger with the castaways’ raft destroyed, Sawyer shot and young Walt kidnapped by the “Others,” the producers have said little more than that the survivors won’t be reunited with the rest until the seventh or eighth episode. But they’ll probably all survive, since the rumors about the next character to get voted off — excuse me, killed off — on the island are pointing to one of the “major females.”

There will be new faces on the island, with Michelle Rodriguez (“S.W.A.T.”) as a newly discovered survivor from the back of the plane, and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (“Oz”), who’s only described as a "mysterious man." Is he one of “the Others,” or was he in the bathroom when the plane fell apart? In the longer run, producer Lindelof declared that Hurley’s lottery numbers would become “the driving and fundamental plot point of the second season,” (as if they hadn’t already) and promises that “By the finale of season two, viewers will know why the plane crashed.” Yes, but when are we gonna see the rest of the monster?
I hadn't read that before. Thanks for posting it! I don't know if you remember but one of the first episodes when Jack was on the beach after the plane had just crashed, he went to go comfort a woman whose husband "died." She was talking about her husband and Jack said something like no one from the back of the plane survived (something like that). Bt then she said something that always stuck with me. She said how do we know that the people from the back of the plane are really dead? Maybe they are all alive somewhere thinking that we (the survivors on the beach) are dead, too. (I hate the internet. I can't make coherent sentences for shit these days.) I always remembered that. Now with talk of the woman being from the plane, who knows, maybe that other woman was right and her husband will come back too.
I remember it.

A friend of mine sent me these LOST sites a while back. Check em out they are cool.



(there are cool easter eggs on this site, if you right click on the Important Announcement
ALL FLIGHTS CANCELLED section on the right, and click on VIEW SOURCE.) there is 2 hidden messages. Also if you go onto the seating chart, and put the seat numbers in the correct order (lottery ticket numbers) another surprise will show up.

eighteeschick said:
I hadn't read that before. Thanks for posting it! I don't know if you remember but one of the first episodes when Jack was on the beach after the plane had just crashed, he went to go comfort a woman whose husband "died." She was talking about her husband and Jack said something like no one from the back of the plane survived (something like that). Bt then she said something that always stuck with me. She said how do we know that the people from the back of the plane are really dead? Maybe they are all alive somewhere thinking that we (the survivors on the beach) are dead, too. (I hate the internet. I can't make coherent sentences for shit these days.) I always remembered that. Now with talk of the woman being from the plane, who knows, maybe that other woman was right and her husband will come back too.
Damn, for the first fucking time, you aren´t ahead of us! You´re just as puzzled as we are! The first season stopped at thjis fucked up time when they´ve just discovered this rocket-launcher or whatever it is, and some of ´em are going to sea.....
prime666 said:
Looking forward to season two. i'm still wondering why Hurley (i think thats his name ) hasnt lost any weight.

I read somewhere that they weren't going to make him lose weight. Also, even though the season is like 8 months give or take, the actual time they have spent on the island isn't that long at all. Maybe a month?
I've been watching this in the UK and it is on about episode 7. I hope it gets better as I feel it is a bit slow at times. I also didn't relise there was gonna be another season.
eighteeschick said:
The new season starts in less than 2 weeks! That was the first television show in many years that I actually had to be home to watch. The TV Guide gave out a little bit of information on Season two. Can't wait!!

Weve finished the first season here in aussie, i still have the last 4 or 5 episodes to watch, good show..ive watched every episode.
Mickenglanduk said:
I've been watching this in the UK and it is on about episode 7. I hope it gets better as I feel it is a bit slow at times. I also didn't relise there was gonna be another season.

Sounds like your on reruns because if weve finished the first season, you would have finished it way before we did.