OT: Breaking Bonaducci


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
I'm not really a fan of reality shows although I have watched a few (Amazing Race first season, Apprentice and the MTV Road Rules v. Real World Marathons since I remember some of those people from years ago). So VH1 has Celebreality where they have the Surreal Life and those shows and I saw a commercial for Breaking Bonaducci and I felt compelled to watch. OMG, you can't tell when he is serious and when he is living it up for the camera. He cheated on his wife and eventually admitted it to her but then tells his entire listening audience of his radio show that he cheated on his wife (his fans gave him a piece of their mind too). He has some serious issues. He broke down crying but again, was it real or acting? Who could tell? And he is BIG. I didn't realize how big he is. He did about 5 or 6 chin ups with his kid hanging off his neck. Crazy dude. Of course I'll be watching next week, though.
If you watch the commercial, he said that he is a car wreck and you have every right to watch the wreck. I'm thinking I have a right to watch this? However, he was right - he is a car wreck and sadly I did slow down to watch.
sorry but wrong. the new season of Simpsons, and Family Guy started, and they kick any shows ass.

mrthrax said:
alias is easily the best show on tv right now.
dkillone said:
You are one to talk. Guess one train wreck knows the other. You may actually have him beat by a few. Is there a VH1 show that talks about wannabe rockers (groupies) who think they are still in their 20's, who cheat on their wives?

OR like you you cheated on your husband!!!!!!!:flame:
BSG (the new series) - only thing worth seriously watching. Apart from Little Britain.
Has Bonaduce tried to kill himself yet? I heard he tried to slit his wrists with his wife's razor on the show. The guy can't even get suicide right! Fuck a razor dude! Use a gun! Bullet to the temple works every time!
Mosh666 said:
i do not like this show. after a few mins it gets really dumb

Well, that's to be expected! It is a show about Danny Bonaduce!:lol: He's definitley on my most annoying celebrity list! :lol: I think he's lumped between Oprah and Pauly Shore.:lol:
dkillone said:
You are one to talk. Guess one train wreck knows the other. You may actually have him beat by a few. Is there a VH1 show that talks about wannabe rockers (groupies) who think they are still in their 20's, who cheat on their wives?
Are you his ex? or are you an old girl friend that's still pissed at him? I don't get it.
Just wonderin' if anyone knows how I can send Danny Bonaducci and email.
I feel it's my civic duty to encourage the annoying little douchebag to go ahead and do the right thing by killing himself...hopefully just after he kills the ghouls who put his sorry little "reality" drama on TV. :Puke: