OT: Brits steal carloads of Fucking Austrian roadsigns

These vandals must be stopped at once!!! I'm planning on traveling through Central and Northern Europe next year, so I will need a couple of those signs for myself. Is there fucking Green Peace on the watch out there?
These vandals must be stopped at once!!! I'm planning on traveling through Central and Northern Europe next year, so I will need a couple of those signs for myself. Is there fucking Green Peace on the watch out there?

Well, if you´re travelling through Northern Europe you shuold come to Denmark. The village in Western Jutland (hillbilly country), that I come from is named No. Not far from No is the village of He. Near Esbjerg (also in WJ) there is a town called Ho. :) And so the list goes on....
Miltbrand said:
Well, if you´re travelling through Northern Europe you shuold come to Denmark. The village in Western Jutland (hillbilly country), that I come from is named No. Not far from No is the village of He. Near Esbjerg (also in WJ) there is a town called Ho. :) And so the list goes on....
I shall do that, thank you. They told me that there is a town in the State of Pennsylvannia called Intercourse... need to check about that one.

I'm from Austria.
This is the sign.
The village was called Vughing ore something like that, but decades ago, the people decided to rename it.
Arg_Hamster said:
We used to have warning signs for moose here in Sweden, but the germans stole them.

Why??? What´s so strange about 'Älg'!?Btw. when some Danish regional buses want to show you that they´re en route, it says 'I FART'! :)
Miltbrand said:
Why??? What´s so strange about 'Älg'!?Btw. when some Danish regional buses want to show you that they´re en route, it says 'I FART'! :)

"I fart"? Hehe, well for a english-speaking person that´s funny!
På svenska är det "i tjänst", fast vi har sällan sånna skyltar på bussarna.

The germans used to steal every sign with moose-warnings they could find so the Road Department paid signmakers to make signs for tourists. But they still steal a lot of signs.

Tyskarna har ju inga älgar så dom är tokiga i allt älgrelaterat. Älghorn, älgklövar och älgskit...
I think I read that the "Fuckingers" have stopped replacing their stolen signs because it costs too much money and they are really fed up with it.
I promise you would like this picture if I could upload it. It shows a woman standing next to a place sign saying 'TWATT'. Its on the Orkney Isles, north of Scotland I believe