OT: Crowd-surfing.

Haha, well it seems the Melbourne Opeth crowd got what they deserved. For about 60% of the show, there wasn't ANY security at the front of the stage to cactch the crowd surfers, you could see them dropping at the front like flies lol. It also helped that the people there weren't all that willing to hold them up, so a few didnt even make it to the front.
I dont mind a good mosh, but crowd surfing just gives me the shits.
What I always do when a crowd surfer "surfs" over me is take his shoe off and throw it. They ruined my night, so I will ruin theirs.
I don't see anything wrong with crowd surfing...

I will say that proper moshing edicate has gone down the drain. Moshing wasn't meant to beat the crap out of the fellow fans, but a metal form of bonding. If a brother or sister falls, pick them up, don't keep hurting them. Don't try to hurt a person like the idiot hardcore fans are doing. And tuck your freaking elbows!

I want more circle pits...and more headbanging...whats with this standing around at shows now? At least at the local shows...