Ot: Danzig!!!!!

I read in some interview Scott mentioned either to Glen or indirectly that he loved him in the Misfits. Glen bugged out and wanted to kick his ass. Exactly how this played out I don't know.
Danzig freaks out whenever anyone says anything nice about the Misfits.
Rikki Rackman said something about the Misfits to Mr. Danzig on "Headbangers Ball" once, and the dude just shut up.
I think he's a little psycho.:confused:
Danzig can't handle the fact that he's a punk. I'm saddened by all the cocksuckers that walk around shouting how the Misfits were so great when Danzig was there. The Misfits still rule, they're an institution.
danzig comes across as a complete dickhead i couldnt stop laughing when i read a story that glenn danzig mouthed off about def leppard a few years back,apparently the guitarist from def leppard landed a good punch on him and glen didnt retaliate at all.

ummm isnt glen spose to be a martial arts genius lol.