OT: Douche Bags & Other Hygene Products


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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I dunno why, but certain hygene products are FuNNy! Sometimes people come through my line and buy things like douches, condoms, maxipads, tampons, Preperation H, Depends, etc.... Anyways I find these products to be be extremely hilarious!!

My favorite grocery store experience was when they had to get a price check on a 3 pack douche I got. Good times!
Skorned1 said:
You're killing me! :tickled:
It's so mellow and I just shredded a minute ago on my guitar to a few tunes. 311 and Weezer. I'm about to pull out a different guitar with different tuning to bust out some Anthrax and Pantera.
AlexStomp said:
It's so mellow and I just shredded a minute ago on my guitar to a few tunes. 311 and Weezer. I'm about to pull out a different guitar with different tuning to bust out some Anthrax and Pantera.
i like a Strawberry Douche, why i have a preference i dunno, im a man i guess im allowed to have a prefference to things i dont use. who else likes strawberry?
Inside Out said:
i like a Strawberry Douche, why i have a preference i dunno, im a man i guess im allowed to have a prefference to things i dont use. who else likes strawberry?
I don't use douche. I have a very temperamental vagina and it can get irritated easily. And there's nothing worse than an angry vagina.
It's actually not good to use any scented ones. You can create more of a problem than you're trying to clean up. Vinegar & water is the only thing you should really use. However, if you want to avoid the situation altogether, you can clean yourself w/your fingers every morning. :)

Oh, and pee after sex!

There's my lesson on femanine hygiene.
Skorned1 said:
However, if you want to avoid the situation altogether, you can clean yourself w/your fingers every morning. :)

Oh, and pee after sex!

There's my lesson on femanine hygiene.

Be careful the guys around here will ask you to post a demonstration on the cleaning :D
ThraxMan said:
I heard douching isn't good. From what I hear, the vagina is very good at keeping itself clean. But I could be wrong.


Depending on personal hygiene, that's mostly true.
remington69 said:
I second that! Otherwise you can get nasty UTI's (urinary tract infections). And remember gals, wipe front to back!

Absolutely! Otherwise, apple cider vinegar tablets will probably wipe it out if you take them right away.