1. How did you originally find the Anthrax board and what are your earliest memories of posting here?
Ive been friends with Thra
ude since High School. Hes the one who told me about the board. Ive never been a huge poster, but Ive made a lot of friends here. As far as early memories, I loved that Scott posted here so much. It was cool to be able to chat with one of my favorite metal bands.
2. You seem to be a moderator or webmaster of some kind, what exactly is it that you do?
I was recently made a moderator (due to the whole 6er fiasco). Ive been helping run anthrax.com for a few years now, and I run the NFC messageboard. My full time job is working as the webmaster for a college bookstore.
3. Have you heard the new version of Fight 'Em with Joey? What's your take on it?
I have not yet. Ive been avoiding the videos. Id rather be surprised when I see them on the 16th in Milwaukee. That being said, I heard the song for the first time back in 08 at Charlies place when they were recording the demos, and I LOVE this song.
4. Why doesn't Scott post here anymore? Does he even read the board?
I cant answer either of these questions. I chat with Scott occasionally, but never talk about the boards. Sorry.
5. Can you tell us something about your personal life?
I work full time as a webmaster for the university book store in Madison WI. When Im not doing the webmonkey stuff, Im photographing concerts and anything else that steps in front of my lens.
Im married to a beautiful woman, have an amazing step-daughter. My wife is pregnant and Ill be a first time father in March.
6. What other styles of music do you enjoy besides metal?
It would be easier to just tell you what styles I dont like. I like everything except for gangster rap and new country. Fuck off already Toby Keith. Old school country is pretty damn cool in my book.
7. What do your future plans include?
I would love to make photography my full time job eventually.
8. If you could go trading places with a famous person, who would you choose and why?
This will sound crazy, but Ashton Kutcher. Not because I like him in any way, shape, or form, but because hes Nikons spokesperson. I would love to use his Nikon connections to get the camera rig of my dreams.
9. Who was 6er?
A complete douchebag, who should have been shot.
Jockthrax Good man
Buddy_Love_Bomb Nerve Damage
Black Thirteen Mr. Ian
Trashard meh.
Brentney Spears El Brente. Fellow Thrax web-bitch.
scottishthrax Groundskeeper Willie?
Mikey Bong Where the hell did he go?
eighteeschick Fear Factory
BratPrincess - ThRaXbRaT
thraxx Testament hookup, and great guy.
DarrellDethSDMF Im not gay, but Id do him.
ironmaidenfan09 meh.
JohnnieCzech Bushs biggest fan.
Deege Black Label Society.
Matt Bello
Antwax Whiner.
vomit Likes Blatz.
6er Fucktard.
Beer Mmmmmmmmm Nectar of the Gods.
Mosh pit Too old for that now.
Thrash or Power Groove: I dont care about labels. Just give me metal.
Funny or serious Anthrax: Theyre both good.
Debate or Friendly discussion: Friendly discussion.
Random sex or serious relationship: Serious relationship (my wife is reading over my shoulders).
Cocky or shy: Neither.
Tommy Lee or Kid Rock: Neither.
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans? Just chill, have a beer or two, and enjoy the music.
Ive been friends with Thra

2. You seem to be a moderator or webmaster of some kind, what exactly is it that you do?
I was recently made a moderator (due to the whole 6er fiasco). Ive been helping run anthrax.com for a few years now, and I run the NFC messageboard. My full time job is working as the webmaster for a college bookstore.
3. Have you heard the new version of Fight 'Em with Joey? What's your take on it?
I have not yet. Ive been avoiding the videos. Id rather be surprised when I see them on the 16th in Milwaukee. That being said, I heard the song for the first time back in 08 at Charlies place when they were recording the demos, and I LOVE this song.
4. Why doesn't Scott post here anymore? Does he even read the board?
I cant answer either of these questions. I chat with Scott occasionally, but never talk about the boards. Sorry.
5. Can you tell us something about your personal life?
I work full time as a webmaster for the university book store in Madison WI. When Im not doing the webmonkey stuff, Im photographing concerts and anything else that steps in front of my lens.
Im married to a beautiful woman, have an amazing step-daughter. My wife is pregnant and Ill be a first time father in March.
6. What other styles of music do you enjoy besides metal?
It would be easier to just tell you what styles I dont like. I like everything except for gangster rap and new country. Fuck off already Toby Keith. Old school country is pretty damn cool in my book.
7. What do your future plans include?
I would love to make photography my full time job eventually.
8. If you could go trading places with a famous person, who would you choose and why?
This will sound crazy, but Ashton Kutcher. Not because I like him in any way, shape, or form, but because hes Nikons spokesperson. I would love to use his Nikon connections to get the camera rig of my dreams.
9. Who was 6er?
A complete douchebag, who should have been shot.
Jockthrax Good man
Buddy_Love_Bomb Nerve Damage
Black Thirteen Mr. Ian
Trashard meh.
Brentney Spears El Brente. Fellow Thrax web-bitch.
scottishthrax Groundskeeper Willie?
Mikey Bong Where the hell did he go?
eighteeschick Fear Factory
BratPrincess - ThRaXbRaT
thraxx Testament hookup, and great guy.
DarrellDethSDMF Im not gay, but Id do him.
ironmaidenfan09 meh.
JohnnieCzech Bushs biggest fan.
Deege Black Label Society.
Matt Bello
Antwax Whiner.
vomit Likes Blatz.
6er Fucktard.
Beer Mmmmmmmmm Nectar of the Gods.
Mosh pit Too old for that now.
Thrash or Power Groove: I dont care about labels. Just give me metal.
Funny or serious Anthrax: Theyre both good.
Debate or Friendly discussion: Friendly discussion.
Random sex or serious relationship: Serious relationship (my wife is reading over my shoulders).
Cocky or shy: Neither.
Tommy Lee or Kid Rock: Neither.
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans? Just chill, have a beer or two, and enjoy the music.