OT - for U.S. citizens only ... hehe

haha - yeah, this ones rather cool
nearly as good as the following:

OHS is pleased to provide answers to frequently asked questions about Operation Mandatory Patriotic Tattoo:

Q:Is it true that every American will have to get a tattoo?
A:Yes. Every last man,woman, child, and gender-ambiguous freak.

Q: Can the government really require that I get a
A: Yes. President Bush has granted Governor Ridge unprecedented wartime powers which allow OHS to function not unlike an autonomous totalitarian state.

Q: My pastor says this is the mark of the beast. Is it?
A: No. Your "pastor" is spreading treasonous lies. Report him to the FBI.

Q: What if my religion forbids me to get a tattoo?
A: You are strongly advised to convert to a different, more patriotic religion.
