OT: I need sleep...


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
I'm just taking a break from writting my undergraduate dissertation draft that is due in in 12hrs and decided to post a completely random thread on here. I have had no more than 4 or 5hrs sleep in a night for the past week nearly and it looks like I'm not going to get any tonight (it's 4:37am and I need at least another 2,000 words before I can print this fucker off)

Feel free to talk random crap below, I'll get back to trying to get more than 5,000 words on how changes to the noise at work regulations will effect the entertainment industry...god I chose a dull topic!!

There is a start. Elisha Cuthbert is so hot.
Razorjack said:
I'll get back to trying to get more than 5,000 words on how changes to the noise at work regulations will effect the entertainment industry...god I chose a dull topic!!

Eek, doesn't sound like a barrel of laughs. My dissertation was "Can A Computer Measure Beauty?" - I had to write a program that rated how pretty girls were :D I tell you, it was hard work interviewing all those girls, taking their photos, telling them things like "well, the program rates you really highly... so it must be working". I'm still not quite sure how I screwed it up...

Unfortunately that was proof that picking an interesting subject doesn't matter; it's a lot more important that you know your shit. And judging from your posts on here you do man, so I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about!

fabz said:
Ja super! über so nen thread freu ich mich doch wie die Sau!
Die Tante hat übrigens echt was!Razor, ich hoff mal für Dich daß Du die Prüfung gebacken bekommst! Viel Glück!
Du bist nicht allein! :Smug:
5 hours isn't that uncommon for me actually.

Granted, I do feel like utter shit every single day. I just supplement my few hours of sleep with a heavy dosage of caffeine... a few coffees a day... maybe some Coke... maybe a 450mg caffeine tablet here 'n' there...
DNW said:
5 hours isn't that uncommon for me actually.

Granted, I do feel like utter shit every single day. I just supplement my few hours of sleep with a heavy dosage of caffeine... a few coffees a day... maybe some Coke... maybe a 450mg caffeine tablet here 'n' there...

Hahaha...that sure sounds healthy
chadsxe said:
Hahaha...that sure sounds healthy

Yeah, the severe abdominal pain I get, I assume from all the caffeine, is somewhat of an indication that I'm not doing all too well. That and the fact that a) I can barely stay awake most days, and b) even if I am awake, I've barely got the energy to do anything much. I almost fell down the stairs at work today... hahaha...

But, what can I do... for two nights in a row this week I couldn't sleep... the 2nd night, it got to 4am and I just thought, "Fuck this shit, I'm getting out of bed and doing something! :mad: ", so I got up and played some guitar.

The next day was caffeine overload at work! :cry: Hahaha... 4 coffees, 2 Cokes, and two 450mg caffeine tablets... :zombie:

After a while though, my body's got no choice but to agree to some sleep. Like right now... I could rest my head on this desk and just fall asleep. *not sure what smiley to use here*
elmuchoescadawg said:
And you wonder why you cant sleep?

Well, to be fair, the heavy use of caffeine was a result of not being able to sleep and having to be awake during the day. :lol:

It doesn't really matter what I do, I'm just always buggered. Even when I get some holiday time off, I can settle into a bit more of a sleep routine but I still feel tired as crap each day.

But yeah, it's a bit of a vicious circle I guess... feel tired => take in caffeine... caffeine = no sleep... no sleep = fucked the next day... fucked? => need more caffeine... :cry:

I'm sure I could be a lot better off if I got into a healthy diet and all that bollocks... but I really can't be fucked. :erk:

That one would be just fine for a smiley DNW.. :p

I know how it is Razorjack...

I had really severe cough attacks and astmatic attacks about 2 years ago, but at the time, i had no idea what it was..
at day, there were none, but once i was in bed, trying to get some shuteye, i was wide awake due to these attacks..

Now, my simple behind though it would pass over.. i kept thinking that for 2 years! :erk: haha.. but it never went away at all.. at winter, it became less of a problem though..

But last summer, it was there again.. night after night i tried to sleep, but my body would'nt let me because it needed to cough and make high scraping noises coming out of my lungs..
Now, as time went by, it became worse, until i had no sleep for 2 whole days.. :hypno:

Im telling you, looking back at these two days, besides it being exhausting, they were actually pretty cool.. no sleep is the best natural drug out there, i guess.. :lol:

But it was too much for me, so i went to the doctor (i fear doctors) and got medicated pretty damn good.. got rid of the infection in my lungs, and since then, i can get 8 hours sleep without waking up every ten minutes now..

Bless sleep.. it's severely underrated these days.. like George Costanza said in seinfeld: "sometimes a good nap is the only reason i get up in the morning".

Just think about the moment when you are done with the :notworthy SLEEP FOREVA!!

Good luck!
Well it's something like 2 or 3 weeks now that I just sleep 6/7 hours per day. Not costantly, sometimes 6 sometimes 7 hours, most of the times 6.
Well I don't feel good, I feel so fucking tired when I get home from work, it's like I had worked for 3 or 4 days with no sleep and no rest at all.
Yesterday when I finished my dinner, I went to my room turned on my laptop and then was hell, just 5 minutes in front of the evil machine and my eyes were exploding. Because of my dayjob (computer programmer) I think I have to stop reading the forum by night eheheh but this place it's an addiction to me, I really can't stop reading.
I need rest!!!