OT: If you want to see the best band in rock/metal go see DOWN

Oct 5, 2003
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Just saw them in Phoenix last night. Tonight they are in San Diego and will be in LA on Saturday. I can honestly say they are the best band in hard rock/ metal or what ever you want to label them. Phil Anselmo has gone through hell and back. He has been on drugs, back problems etc etc. I have followed him since the very begining of Pantera and I can honestly say I have not seen this man look or sound as good as he does right now since the Vulgar display of power days. He is jumping around on stage and his voice is PERFECT. He is not on Heroin or even drinking any more. He still smokes weed like a mad man but who cares really. He is polite and not rambling on and on about stupid things as he has done in the recent past. Down play a 2 hour set and there are no other opening bands. It is fuckin amazing to be honest. I would strongly suggest going to see them you will NOT be dissapointed that I promise you!

Check out their new video for "On March the Saints" I dig it

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When you say they are THE best, you are losing all the credibility.

Normally, I would tend to agree but in the case of Metalicat she has all the credibility in the world in my opinion. She is a concert/show going ANIMAL!! It sounds like she doesn't sleep from reading her posts! Oh, to be young again!
She also gives great reviews and sees the positive in every band, not just the shite.
Who are some of your favorite new/up and coming acts that you would recommend? I have been out of the music scene for a long time.
Down are great, but Machine Head are better! Seen them both three times and after seeing Machine Head again last night I can safely say that they are one of the top dogs of metal at the moment. I feel like I've been run over by a bulldozer!

Machine Head is definetely bad ass. Especially the latest record. They went through a nu metal phase that was horrible but the last 2 albums have been great. The Blackening is probably my favorite metal album in the past year at least.

But to compare them to Down is just like comparing Apples and Oranges. Down isn't thrash metal. Down is heavy but not thrashy. It is almost imposible to put a label on Down. Pantera is one of machine heads biggest infuences. Phil Anselmo is definetely one of the best vocalists/ frontmen of the past 15 years and Rob will tell you he is one of his biggest fans and influences

As for a live show I have seen Machine Head a bunch of times dating back to when they first toured for the Burn My Eyes record. They are good sometimes better than others. They aren't too big here in the USA. They are a lot bigger in Europe so im sure the live shows are a lot more intense.

I have met Rob a few times as we have crossed paths he is a great guy. I was just talking to him a few months back after an Evanescence gig that he came to and he was saying how one of his favorite records of all time is by the band Cold called "13 ways to bleed on stage" that threw me off because for a non metal album that is one of my favorite albums of all time as well.

None the less I would highly recommend getting "The Blackening" its one of the best Thrash records out there.
Normally, I would tend to agree but in the case of Metalicat she has all the credibility in the world in my opinion. She is a concert/show going ANIMAL!! It sounds like she doesn't sleep from reading her posts! Oh, to be young again!
She also gives great reviews and sees the positive in every band, not just the shite.
Who are some of your favorite new/up and coming acts that you would recommend? I have been out of the music scene for a long time.

Awww, you make me blush!! :oops: All my gigs just happen to come along at the same time!! :lol: I think the most I've ever done in a row was five. :kickass: That was Donington day one, Metallica at Donington, Metallica in Dublin, Down in Belfast and then Down again in Dublin. That was class!!
Machine Head is definetely bad ass. Especially the latest record. They went through a nu metal phase that was horrible but the last 2 albums have been great. The Blackening is probably my favorite metal album in the past year at least.

But to compare them to Down is just like comparing Apples and Oranges. Down isn't thrash metal. Down is heavy but not thrashy. It is almost imposible to put a label on Down. Pantera is one of machine heads biggest infuences. Phil Anselmo is definetely one of the best vocalists/ frontmen of the past 15 years and Rob will tell you he is one of his biggest fans and influences

As for a live show I have seen Machine Head a bunch of times dating back to when they first toured for the Burn My Eyes record. They are good sometimes better than others. They aren't too big here in the USA. They are a lot bigger in Europe so im sure the live shows are a lot more intense.

I have met Rob a few times as we have crossed paths he is a great guy. I was just talking to him a few months back after an Evanescence gig that he came to and he was saying how one of his favorite records of all time is by the band Cold called "13 ways to bleed on stage" that threw me off because for a non metal album that is one of my favorite albums of all time as well.

None the less I would highly recommend getting "The Blackening" its one of the best Thrash records out there.

Both bands are fantastic and I would totally agree about The Blackening. That is one amazing album! :headbang:
Seen DOWN in NOLA earlier this year @ the House of Blues...it was amazing :kickass:

Seen MACHINE HEAD in '95...they were okay...and seen Rob w/ VIO-LENCE in '88, that kicked ass.
His vocals sound kind of Creedish, but overall they sound good. Lately I've been digging Avenged Sevenfold, pretty heavy shiite :)

I personally don't like Avenged Sevenfold, but that is your opinion.

However to say Phil Anselmo sounds "creedish" is one of the worst comparisons I have ever heard. To use the word "creed" and Phil Anselmo in the same sentence is just wrong. None the less just make sure you don't say this to Phils face lol

I personally don't like Avenged Sevenfold, but that is your opinion.

However to say Phil Anselmo sounds "creedish" is one of the worst comparisons I have ever heard. To use the word "creed" and Phil Anselmo in the same sentence is just wrong. None the less just make sure you don't say this to Phils face lol


Whatever... In my opinion he's one of the thousands of singers that sound too creedish. I do think Down sounds good but it lacks originality, it's all been done already. I think he also sounds a little like Audioslaves' vocalist. (which should be taken as a compliment)
chris cornell - i thought the same thing when listening to III but phil has more balls - the tempos of the songs are all similiar and kinda plod along - cool riffs tho.
Whatever... In my opinion he's one of the thousands of singers that sound too creedish. I do think Down sounds good but it lacks originality, it's all been done already. I think he also sounds a little like Audioslaves' vocalist. (which should be taken as a compliment)

Down lacks originality? Name one band that sounds like Down. Down has been a band since 1992. So if anything they are the ones that everyone is copying. But in all honesty I don't think there is one band out there that sounds like Down. They are diverse have a lot of different styles of songs in their 3 albums. Phil Anselmo is one of the biggest influences of any modern metal band. There are a lot of bands that try to copy him but none will ever top him. I think Phil would take sounding like Chris Cornell a compliment as he is a very good vocalist, especially the Soundgarden days. But the creed thing just doesn't sit well lol

Down is a band that you have to really listen to a bunch of times, maybe go see live before you really understand their vibe. You can just listen to one song and then make a snap judgment. You gotta give them a chance.

NOLA their first album is one of the best albums ever created IMHO. And to be honest when I first bought it back when it came out I didn't like it much because I was trying to compare it to Pantera. But I put it in a few years later and it blew me away. Highly recommend that album to anyone you won't be let 'down':headbang:
I'll just leave things as they are, I guess we don't agree. I've been a metal musician for almost 25 years and have never heard of that vocalist, honestly... (I'm old school though)

Geoff Tate, Dickinson and Halford were always the guys everyone talked about, as far as who peoples influences were, and what they'd love to sound like. Personally I'd kill for a voice like Phil Anselmo's but it ain't happening :p
I'll just leave things as they are, I guess we don't agree. I've been a metal musician for almost 25 years and have never heard of that vocalist, honestly... (I'm old school though)

Geoff Tate, Dickinson and Halford were always the guys everyone talked about, as far as who peoples influences were, and what they'd love to sound like. Personally I'd kill for a voice like Phil Anselmo's but it ain't happening :p

You've never heard of Chris Cornell?? :eek:
Sure have, but the other guy I haven't. The radio stations around here don't play that stuff, so if a good sounding new band comes out I usually don't know about it until their 3rd CD:p

Fuck the radio man. It's all about discovering music you like and not listening to the radio to have some corporation try and make you like something. I haven't listened to the radio in years other than sports talk radio. With all the outlets out there on the internet and even satellite radio there is never a need to listen to the crap on the radio. Pretty soon all the bullshit corporations like clear channel and viacom will go out of business because people are now able to have other alternative ways of listening to music than the radio. Iron Maiden is never played on the radio in the states, they haven't been since the fear of the dark era yet they still sell out all the venues because the fans are smart enough to use the internet and other methods to keep up with the happenings of the band.

On to the other stuff.... Bruce, Geoff, Rob, Ronnie, all those guys are definetely vocalists that inspired just about every 80's and early 90's metal band out there. In the early to late 90's pretty much every metal band tried to sound like Phil Anselmo of Pantera / Down. Pantera was the only band in the 90's that really carried the torch for heavy metal. I was a huge death metal fan and really didn't listen to Pantera much but I still give them all the credit in the world for keeping metal alive during the 90's when every other metal band like Metallica tried going mainstream because metal wasn't 'cool' anymore.

If anything Down is a band that other bands have copied. NOLA is a record that is ground breaking and spawned an entire genre of bands without even really being recognized in the mainstream. No offense to Creed but those dudes weren't even playing music back when Down was formed.
NOLA is absolutely amazing! Jail, Stone The Crow and Bury Me In Smoke are my favourites. I could fall asleep to Jail every night, it's so relaxing.

They played Jail on this last tour. They did it for the first song of the encore it was absoultely amazing and mesmerizing. There are just some songs that make you feel, get your emotions doing weird things, Jail is definetely one of them. I've never seen them do Jail before I was blown away

Here is a video of Jail on youtube:

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Listened to both tracks posted here.

The first one reminds me of some of the ealrier Screaming trees vocal styles, but it is undoubtedly Phil.

As for the second video, I liked the feel of the track, but its soooooo fucking boring. Cant hear any words, the music is insanely repetative.

I can see where the Creed and Chris Cornel comments came from too, I would have to argue that the band are not that original, turn the distortion down on the guitar on the first track and you have the normal run of the mill metal band. They are not poor, but they are far from original.

One of the problems is that we are overdue a new style in rock/metal music. nu metal is often discounted it was fairly short lived, and grunge i hated big time.

The only band I have taken any kind of interest in lately is Black Stone Cherry, but they are just beefing up old school styles of metal. I tend to be more excited by what passes as punk nowadays, dont know why, but in some ways its better than the 1970's punk and in other ways its poorer. I still need to find a great album to restore my faith in Rock/Metal.