OT: Iron Maiden - "Dance Of Death" NEW CD

I had low expectations in 2000 for BNW, and I was pleasantly surprised. However, that album sounded a bit forced in places.

After hearing Wildest Dreams this summer, I really had low expectations.

WELL, FUCK ME RUNNING!!!! THIS CD RULES!!! It has the big dramatic twin and triple guitar harmonies that BNW lacked. Lots of minor 3rd action. Some songs are very dark, some are hopeful, and some are both.

At times, you hear pieces of old Maiden songs, but then again, they've always done that. What else would you expect from a band that always writes in the key of E.

This is #2 behind WCFYA for me this year.
i got the cd on monday. a lil early dont u think?? anyway cd is way heavier than brave new world. im impressed to me maiden have me. i ve been blastin it all this week. wcya a break been listening to that non stop as welll. any1 pick the new dimmu borgir besides me??? i think there out doin the classical shit on the cd, i like their older shit. anyway horns up metal bros! the new zyklon is days away for me woohooo!
I must be the only person in the world who likes Wildest Dreams. It's got a good 80s rocker feel to it. I like that.

Anyways, its a good album. I'm probably going to buy it next week. I bought the new Sick Of It All instead.
I like it, too. I think "Wildest Dreams" is actually a great song. The video is awful, but, hey, it's Maiden, they don't have any good videos. My favourite songs so far are "No More Lies," "Paschendale," "Dance of Death" and "Journeyman."

"New Frontier," the song Nicko McBrain co-wrote, isn't that bad either. The lyrics really suck, but musically it's pretty good.
Darth Coitus said:
I like it, too. I think "Wildest Dreams" is actually a great song. The video is awful, but, hey, it's Maiden, they don't have any good videos. My favourite songs so far are "No More Lies," "Paschendale," "Dance of Death" and "Journeyman."

"New Frontier," the song Nicko McBrain co-wrote, isn't that bad either. The lyrics really suck, but musically it's pretty good.

NO good videos??? What about Bruce swinging the mic stand in "Stranger in a Strange Land." That is the best.
Okay, yeah, the "Stranger in a Strange Land" video isn't bad. But Maiden's videos aren't real original. In fact I was watching "Visions of the Beast" today. I don't think there is one video that the band is in where they aren't just playing the song most of the time.

And I guess one could argue "Holy Smoke" falls into the "so bad it's good" category. I watch that one a lot.

What I kind of like are the new "Camp Chaos" versions of some of the classics. I really like the new animations. Those are a lot of fun.
Great record so far even after only 1 spin.

Also, I noticed that Danny Spitz got a mention from Nicko in his thank you list. Just an observation.
It's a good album, but still falls short of their glory days. It improves on BNW which was a good comeback for them, and I'd say DOD is probably their best since Seventh Son (their last truly great album). The first half of the album is great, but loses steam towards the end. I think it would have been better if they left off the last two tracks..."Journeyman" is a pretty lame way to finish the album.

That's my two cents, which I know you were all dying to hear :D
Went to the local record store today, and they said they were "sold out". Which probably means they had 3 copies!

So I burned a copy from a friend, and I have yet to hear the whole thing. So far Paschendale and Montsegur are the 2 stand out tracks.

And don't worry RIAA, I AM GOING TO BUY IT!