.:OT:. Just got a bunch of EVH :)


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, I download music. Sue me. I don't feel like shelling out the $50-70 on the whole set or a $100+ box set, so I just downloaded the Van Halen discography. I've never really heard any of the music. Just what's on the radio and in movies, yanno? Hot For Teacher, Eruption, Beautiful Girls, and a couple of others. Well, when I worked at the radio station here a few years ago, the DJ of the morning show was always talking about how much EVH rocked. Not in a gay way, he was a young guy too, so it wasn't like some old guy trying to keep the 80's alive or anything.

First impression: This music is gay. Lol. It's 80's, so I guess it's suppose to be. Regardless of this fact, EVH fucking rocks at guitar. So many catchy little riffs and quirks in his playing. Very nice. And the tone....mmmm. Very appropriate for the style. I must say, it's probably one of the best 80's tones I've ever heard, if not then the best.

After the fact that it's gay, it still makes me nod my head. So that's a good thing. Very groovy for about 98% of the time. I can't wait to head out to the studio this morning so I can plug my iPod into my system in my car. I'll be bumpin' for my entire 10 minute ride. :lol: Fo sho.

Like I said, I've never really ever listened to any VH, so this is all new to me. I can certainly see why they were a huge band. And now I really see why EVH is always being hailed for his axe slingin'. I always thought he was a cool guitarist, from the music I had heard before, but there's so many other songs in their run that really just shine for his playing that you don't hear on the radio, etc. Anyone looking for something new to listen to and doesn't mind feeling gay for the initial 5 minutes, I highly recommend getting the discography any way you can, either download it or go buy it. After seeing several VH1 shows on Van Halen...I don't see the need to give them any more money, lol. But that's me.

Anyone care to commnent on EVH? Maybe have a lame little thread goin' on.

Man, I spent my high school years defending VH (extremly hard thing to do in the mid 90's). All my mates kept slagin' them off saying that they were cock rock, etc. I didn't care though.

One of the best guitarists of the 80's! :worship:

P.S. Gotta love the power-drill-on-the-pickups intro to poundcake!

There's nothing to be ashamed of... Liking VH, having a different sexual orientation, what's the big deal? I like early Ratt, some early Motley Crûe, G n' r first album, and I'm not saying it like I am doing a public coming out. I like Morbid Angel, Carcass, Canibal Corpse too... No problem.
DSS3 said:
The only thing I dislike about VH is the way they panned the guitar and bass hard left and right, and left it at that. LOL

Yeah, I've gotta agree there. I know Ted Templeman was trying to capture that "live stage" thing, with Guitars & bass on opposite sides, but man, it's annyoying to listen to in Headphones.

Deus.exe said:
Man, I spent my high school years defending VH (extremly hard thing to do in the mid 90's). All my mates kept slagin' them off saying that they were cock rock, etc. I didn't care though.
Better to be into VH than some lame-ass 90's group like Nirvana. At least VH was proficient at the instrument. The whole ethos of the grunge movement, to me, anyway, seemed to be "Let's see how lousy we can play, and still sell records."

DSS3 said:
The only thing I dislike about VH is the way they panned the guitar and bass hard left and right, and left it at that. LOL

OMG I JUST NOW NOTICED THAT! :lol: I guess I was rockin' too hard to hear that. Plus it's on the left side, so when it's cranked, and I'm driving...it's all in my face, kinda hard to notice things like that in those situations, :p. EVH rocks.

EVH is right behind Hendrix as far as the guitar greats go. There's nothing gay about Van Halen. All the songs are about chicks, partying, and playing music - real rock 'n roll shit. The Roth-era VH is one of the greatest bands of all time.

I remember reading something many years ago where Dimebag (I think it was him) was complaining about the VH mixes. He was saying that when he was growing up, one of his car speakers was blown so he could only hear the reverb on the guitar, and it drove him nuts! Pretty funny.

I used to work with a guy who engineered/produced some of the later VH stuff and David Lee Roth's solo stuff. He told me some unbelieveable horror stories about the VH brothers and their neurotic ways. Great musicians, nonetheless.
I love Van Halen....But then again, I like cock rock. I even like Dokken. Try to avoid getting made fun of for that!

But if I listen too much I've got to put in some Necrophagist or something to recover.....
DSS3 said:
The only thing I dislike about VH is the way they panned the guitar and bass hard left and right, and left it at that. LOL

I loved that, just disconnect one speaker and it's "Hey Eddie, you're fired. Now I'm shredding it up on 'Somebody Get Me a Doctor.'"
Metalhead28 said:
I love Van Halen....But then again, I like cock rock. I even like Dokken.

Hey, I've seen Dokken live twice back in the day. Nothing wrong with that. George Lynch was worth the price of admission. Granted, the video for "Breaking the Chains" makes me cringe every time I see it.
Eddie was the reason I started playing. I own all of the albums, some multiple times (remasters, etc.), but I'm kind of burned out on it all. My favorite stuff is definitley the first 6 albums, after that it's more watered down.

I could fingertap long before I even knew my open chords... :headbang:
I love EVH's early playing and if you listen to any of my PeaceMaker clips you'll see that he was a huge influence on my playing... Of course, I am an old guy... :)

Hmm... I liked all the VH, until Eddie decided he wanted to play keyboards onstage :lol: . He's still one of the greatest guitar players 'ALIVE'!!!

Eddie rightside/ Michael left, Alex down the middle! That was KILLER!! No cut and paste, beat detective there! It was the 'real deal'!:headbang:

VH gay? I don't think so. Their tunes were about Partying & Pussy!!!!!

-----------------quote 006--------
After seeing several VH1 shows on Van Halen...I don't see the need to give them any more money, lol. But that's me.
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard of, for illegally downloading tunes! Whoa, not just a few tunes but the WHOLE discography. :yow: But that's me.:lol: Should of kept that to yourself 006!!!! I have a Bud working with Alex right now on a kit. How ironic!:p
Hehe. I mean, I don't normally just download music. Typically, I'll download an album of a band, and if I like them, I go out to the nearest BestBuy or whatever and buy it the first minute I'm out and about, no joke. If I don't like them, I delete the album almost instantly. And that's the truth. I wholly believe in supporting artists and paying them for their work, like I said before I go buy it if I like it. But this...this is just too much. What...10 albums? And then the "Best of Both Worlds" double disc makes it's an even 12 if you count the 17+ tracks each discs as an album. I'm not about to buy the (just found out) $275 box set I found on-line right this moment. $135 not including shipping if I bought them all seperately right now. Local stores don't have all of the albums. I do like the music, so I will eventually own every album I have now legitimately, that's for certain.

It fucking rocks. There is a thread that cobhc started with a black metal clip with me using it through my TS9 -> PODxt Live. I can't wait to get my blank ebony boards so I can do my custom inlay and binding myself. Check this out:


There it is. :)....kinda off topic but better than starting a whole new thread, :p. That's all I'm gonna do to it at first. If I still want more...I'll do the EVH paint job. Fo sho.

OzNimbus said:
Better to be into VH than some lame-ass 90's group like Nirvana. At least VH was proficient at the instrument. The whole ethos of the grunge movement, to me, anyway, seemed to be "Let's see how lousy we can play, and still sell records."

I agree with you for the most part, but I'm a big fan of Alice In Chains - though they just seemed to get lumped in with it more than anything. They seemed to get a lot of respect from the metal world too.

As for Van Halen - proper cheesy cock-rock, camp as Christmas, but remember it could be worse: it could be Extreme!

Van Halen is above the title of cock rock to me, because they invented it. Every cock rock band wished they were Van Halen.

That being said, I have no trouble admitting that I'm a huge fan of a lot of cock rock bands, including Extreme, Winger, White Lion, Ratt, and every other band from that era that had great guitarists. It's my roots!