.:OT:. Just got a bunch of EVH :)

Extreme were really good. \m/

Can't stand David lee Roth so I was never a big Van Halen fan, however I DID learn to play eruption. :)
OzNimbus said:
Better to be into VH than some lame-ass 90's group like Nirvana. At least VH was proficient at the instrument. The whole ethos of the grunge movement, to me, anyway, seemed to be "Let's see how lousy we can play, and still sell records."


Shortly before Kurt died, I started getting into nirvana, due to a new friend playing it alot. This is usually how I get into bands that my semi-narrow minded metalhead normaly would'nt give a proper chance to.

After he died I got heavily into them which led me getting into the whole grunge movement. All that stuff...don't forget about Soundgarden. Along with Smashing pumpkins, Dinosaur Jr., Sebadoh, Sonic youth, Green day.
Love this stuff.
Kurt got me into the classic punk also. Sex pistols, Dead Kennedys. Misfits ect.

The main thing I got from this, a reminder actually, (all started with Kurt) was that you don't have to be an awesome musician, you don't have to play technical at all, every song doesnt have to have a mind blowing guitar solo or two to write great songs. It's all about the music, the songs, not necessarily the players ability.
I said "a reminder" because my love for music pretty much began with The Beatles when I was ten.

Kurt was a great song writer and had a great voice.
I wish I could scream like him.
He played guitar well enough for the music that he wrote.

But that's just me. :) /rant.
Don't forget the first two Crue albums!

Here's a badass "cock rock" guitarist that hasn't been mentioned yet -
Tim Kelly (R.I.P.) of Slaughter. Killer vibrato and total control over the instrument.
The most gay thing I've ever said, was at one of our radio station shows, we had brought in Dokken just before they started their tour for Erase the Slate, and someone looked at me oddly and said, "Dokken? Seriously?"

And I looked them dead in the eye and said, "Dude, Dokken kicks ass! Especially now that they've got that great guitar player from Winger!"

"Wait a minute, that came out really gay...let me rephrase that!":erk:

But that album is really solid, and Reb is awesome.

Van Halen's Templeman produced records have probably the worst drum sound EVER...the kicks sound like ass...but there're really good songs on them.
Radd said:
Shortly before Kurt died, I started getting into nirvana, due to a new friend playing it alot. This is usually how I get into bands that my semi-narrow minded metalhead normaly would'nt give a proper chance to.

After he died I got heavily into them which led me getting into the whole grunge movement. All that stuff...don't forget about Soundgarden. Along with Smashing pumpkins, Dinosaur Jr., Sebadoh, Sonic youth, Green day.
Love this stuff.
Kurt got me into the classic punk also. Sex pistols, Dead Kennedys. Misfits ect.

The main thing I got from this, a reminder actually, (all started with Kurt) was that you don't have to be an awesome musician, you don't have to play technical at all, every song doesnt have to have a mind blowing guitar solo or two to write great songs. It's all about the music, the songs, not necessarily the players ability.
I said "a reminder" because my love for music pretty much began with The Beatles when I was ten.

Kurt was a great song writer and had a great voice.
I wish I could scream like him.
He played guitar well enough for the music that he wrote.

But that's just me. :) /rant.

Not just you. I used to be a huge Nirvana fan as well.
Radd said:
Shortly before Kurt died, I started getting into nirvana, due to a new friend playing it alot. This is usually how I get into bands that my semi-narrow minded metalhead normaly would'nt give a proper chance to.


I knew that comment would piss a few people off! :heh: :heh:

Allow me to clarify: I thought the whole Nirvana thing was kinda cool at the beginning too. Then I went to a party around Christmas of '92 where some idiot had "Teen Spirit" on the CD player, endlessly repeating. No, I'm not making this up. After hearing the same song constantly for two hours, I got thinking to myself, "this is gonna be bad."
I always considered Alice In Chains to be in a different league than most of the other Seattle bands. I still dig The Melvins, and my all time favourite 90's group is still Kyuss.
However, most of the stuff that wound up on North American FM radio in the post Nirvana days was pretty awful. The point I'm trying to make is that it's kinda stupid for a Pearl Jam fan to make fun of a Van Halen fan. I mean, come on, with hindsight being 20/20, which band was lame, and which one was great?

OzNimbus said:
I knew that comment would piss a few people off! :heh: :heh:

Allow me to clarify: I thought the whole Nirvana thing was kinda cool at the beginning too. Then I went to a party around Christmas of '92 where some idiot had "Teen Spirit" on the CD player, endlessly repeating. No, I'm not making this up. After hearing the same song constantly for two hours, I got thinking to myself, "this is gonna be bad."
I always considered Alice In Chains to be in a different league than most of the other Seattle bands. I still dig The Melvins, and my all time favourite 90's group is still Kyuss.
However, most of the stuff that wound up on North American FM radio in the post Nirvana days was pretty awful. The point I'm trying to make is that it's kinda stupid for a Pearl Jam fan to make fun of a Van Halen fan. I mean, come on, with hindsight being 20/20, which band was lame, and which one was great?

:lol: All is cool. I thought Nirvana was crappy crap in the beginning.
That idiot playing teen spirit for 2 hours was as you said, an idiot.
Teen spirit by the way IMO is one of the worst Nirvana songs.
Both early VH and early Pearl Jam are great by me.

But all this mention of '80's glam metal makes me cringe. :lol:
Well Van halen is god, that's a certainty! the best player in the whole world!
Anyway till 5150 they were a very great band, after that album, just Balance shines for the "gay-ish" singles. I like VH ballads a lot.
But with this gay bands why don't we add the 80's Judas Priest ?? with turbo they were really a cock rock band ahahahh "I'm your turbo lover...."




Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Van Halen, Extreme, Skid Row, Winger, Bon Jovi, Alice Cooper, Guns N' Roses, Whitesnake, Great White, Warrant, Europe, Def Leppard, Lynch Mob, Mr Big, David Lee Roth... ALL GOOD !!! :rock: :notworthy :rock: :notworthy :kickass:
Well, I think the consensus shows that 80's rock/metal lives on for a certain reason: It rocks. You can't beat the homo-ness that these guys presented in their days, even if they didn't realize it. It was just a bunch of guys rocking out for real the entire time.

-Trashing hotel rooms (Spinal Tap comes to mind for hilarity on that matter)
-Gigantically rediculous stage shows with pyrotechnics out the ass
-Over the top vocals
-Cheesy drums
-Walls of amps and cabinets (even if only one of them were being used :lol:
-Rediculous solos
-...did I mention guitars?
-News-making parties
-Sold-out stadium shows

......everything about the 80's rock/metal scene was awesome. You can't pull that off anymore. Nowadays you are called a "queer" or comments like "like that guy needs to get out of the 80's", come about, haha. Sometimes I wish I grew up during the 80's instead of being born in them. I think I missed out on one hell of a party.
