.:OT:. Just got a bunch of EVH :)

JBroll said:
Which one? MOP (they already did that, it just sounded like fucking shit because it was a poorly done AUD) or 5150 (I don't know if JP can play that loose and I know MP won't do fucking electronic drums)?

5150. Thought it would be nice if they attempted something that's actually meant for one guitar and one keyboard (if any), as compared to all the two-guitarist albums they've been half-assing. The big question is -- can John Myung pull off Michael Anthony's high shrieky vocals on "Get Up"? :D
Oh man, I never really thought they were gay, seriously. I have actually bought 5 of the albums so far and jam out quite frequently to them to be completely honest, hehe. Great shit. I use to sip on the HaterAde and say things like "I don't know why they say EVH is so great...he can tap...wow" but now, now I see why. It's not just his solo technique (which isn't anything stellar to me, still, personal preference), but his overall technique and style. His sound. Just...I dunno how really to describe it in words, so I'll use a little :rock: guy. That's the best way for me to explain EVH. Haha.

iekobrid said:
5150. Thought it would be nice if they attempted something that's actually meant for one guitar and one keyboard (if any), as compared to all the two-guitarist albums they've been half-assing. The big question is -- can John Myung pull off Michael Anthony's high shrieky vocals on "Get Up"? :D

He's small, but you rarely hear him speak and even more rarely hear him sing (I don't know of a time when this is happened) so...

JBroll said:
He's small, but you rarely hear him speak and even more rarely hear him sing (I don't know of a time when this is happened) so...

I saw him singing along at the bar once during a King's X show in NYC, but everyone was singing along, so of course he was extrasuperinaudible.

Ran into Scott Ian (literally {bonk!}) outside the club after the same show. :rock: