At first glance at Gideons Pawns new CD The Full Twelve Inches I cracked a smile and knew I would enjoy their music. I had already heard a sample of what this Chicago area band is capable of by way of the new Core Til Death 4 compilation. What struck me about the title is that, whether its chosen name is a depraved joke or not, I could tell that Gideons Pawn is one of those bands lucky enough to be able to make that separation between taking the music seriously while managing to not take themselves too serious. This band is authentic thrash metal; following in the charred paths as such greats as Anthrax and Megadeth with some nods to old school punk. Theres even some ballsy, 90s style rock and roll thrown in akin to Alice in Chains. The CD itself starts off with an energizing drum opening and rolls right into a whirlwind of bladed guitar sounds. The guitars, whose wielders are clearly well versed in the deeper roots of metal, are gain-loaded, pithy, and punchy. Amid the twin guitar attacking is the bass which has an appealing and almost watery tone; adding a nice contrast between the strings. The drumming, which for me turned out to be one of the most satisfying elements of Gideons Pawn, is constant with precise, eye-opening fills and perfectly portioned kick drum. Without a doubt, the vocalist makes use of every single millimeter of his vocal chords with an organically abrasive but tune controlled singing style (imagine a throatier Dave Mustane). Stemmed from phallic wit or not, The Full Twelve Inches assuredly delivers the goods with well structured songs full of hooks and grabbing lyrics. Get online and get to know the metal of Gideons Pawn at