OT:: NFL ON the move...

Wheezer said:
Doesn't look like GB is going to deal him away. And, as it stands right now, even if they were, the price is too high for the Broncs.

He knows he is a hot commodity. As terrible as the Pack was last year, they could still be competitive this season with the offensive firepower they have. They had soo many injuries last year, it was pitiful.

I'm really curious as to where Lavar Arrington is going to land!!!

I heard a ton of reports from Miami a few weeks ago...Now I hear nothing about the man...Anyone know what's up????
The Steelers also lost Kimo Von Olhoffen to The Jets via FA. As a defensive end, he never had gawdy stats, BUT he played in a 3-4 defense where LBs make more sacks and tackles. He is an aging veteran and probably only has a couple of really fruitful years left in him, but he was a staple of The Steelers D and his play went well beyond his stats. He will help the Jets for the near future. I wish him luck.

Kimo is the man!! (Ask Carson Palmer) I was hoping N.E. would've made a play for him..As it stands right now...I'm really hoping they grab Arrington though my expectations are slim..

Bryant said:
The Steelers also lost Kimo Von Olhoffen to The Jets via FA. As a defensive end, he never had gawdy stats, BUT he played in a 3-4 defense where LBs make more sacks and tackles. He is an aging veteran and probably only has a couple of really fruitful years left in him, but he was a staple of The Steelers D and his play went well beyond his stats. He will help the Jets for the near future. I wish him luck.

T_man357 said:
Kimo is the man!! (Ask Carson Palmer) I was hoping N.E. would've made a play for him..As it stands right now...I'm really hoping they grab Arrington though my expectations are slim..

You know your football. Stats don't tell the whole story and Kimo will be missed. He has a 100 hp motor in him. Most OL try to wear down the DL. It is the opposite with Kimo. He will not stop rushing until the whistle blows on almost every down even if the QB has released the ball, he still is in the OL's face despite being an aging player. He wears down the guard and tackle on that side and often forces a QB left which is normally at a disadvantage for a right armed QB by moving the blockers into the pocket. I think the loss of Kimo will be greater than Randle El for the short term. Kimo is one of my favorite players. It will seem strange without him on the field in Black and Gold.
As far as the Palmer incident, that was a nightmare for Kimo. He is a clean player and has a big heart as well as being a former Bengal. There is no one in the game other than Carson himself hoping that Palmer makes a full recovery from the knee injury.

I wasn't implying that the hit on Palmer was dirty or anything because I don't think it was..Just the fact that he got there to make a play (As unfortunate as the circumstances after the fact were.) When the Jets square off the two times this year with the Pats you can guarantee that Brady will want to know where Von Olhoffen is on every play!!
He's one of my favorite defensive linemen under Richard Seymour & Julius Peppers but above Patrick Kearney & John Abraham.

What do you guys think about the games on NFL Network?? I personally think it's a joke..I mean I get the channel so it doesn't really affect me..But I know ALOT of people don't and it's pretty unfair that they're going to miss some regular season games. Also this double header Monday Night noise is wrong too.. The 2nd game (Which starts at 10:30p EST) is Oakland VS. San Diego
That's a great game that most of the East Coast will not get to see!! I can't speak for everyone but I get up at 4am for work and there's no chance I'll be staying up till after 1am to see it..I think ESPN's acquiring of Monday Night Football is going to prove to be a big mistake!! It did fine on ABC for all those years and it's like the saying goes..Don't mess with success!! I don't like it.

Bryant said:
As far as the Palmer incident, that was a nightmare for Kimo. He is a clean player and has a big heart as well as being a former Bengal. There is no one in the game other than Carson himself hoping that Palmer makes a full recovery from the knee injury.