OT - NY/NJ area - Starland Ballroom Pass


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
I was just reading that they have the Starland Ballroom Pass - one year pass which is entry for you and a guest, to every show, including the sold out ones - $1,000. I think thats pretty damn good. If you are single, you and buddy chip in $500 each and go to every show there all year long. No lines, no waiting, nothing. It doesn't include alcohol or anything like that but it still looks like a good deal to me. There is another one - you and three guests - $1500. Then you and your friends would only have to chip in $375 for the entire year.
eighteeschick said:
I was just reading that they have the Starland Ballroom Pass - one year pass which is entry for you and a guest, to every show, including the sold out ones - $1,000. I think thats pretty damn good. If you are single, you and buddy chip in $500 each and go to every show there all year long. No lines, no waiting, nothing. It doesn't include alcohol or anything like that but it still looks like a good deal to me. There is another one - you and three guests - $1500. Then you and your friends would only have to chip in $375 for the entire year.

Awesome deal. To bad I live in Chicago. I mean I could fly there all the time. Haha good deal though.