OT: Savage Circus - Dreamland Manor


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
I did a quick search and found no threads devoted to this album, and i'm curious what y'all think of it. I finally got me a copy of it, and this level of awesomeness is simply unprecidented. I mean, holy shit! It's like teabagging that loudmouth chick in your office/class/house constantly for like 15 hours. It's the same feeling.

Seriously, this is one of the best discs i've heard in a long time, at least that fits the tastes of this forum (The Project Hate's newest disc is also quite killer, but that's another story). Yes, you've got the former drummer of Blind Guardian and a vocalist who bears quite the vocal resemblance to Hansi, but they do the early to mid period Blind Guardian sound better than Blind Guardian did! Holy christ on a stick, this is damn near flawless.

Thoughts? Oppinions? Other?
this level of awesomeness is simply unprecidented. I mean, holy shit! It's like teabagging that loudmouth chick in your office/class/house constantly for like 15 hours. It's the same feeling.

Dude...thats fucking hilarious lol. None the less I checked this band out and the album... Not half bad, its not exactly what i'm into but its worthy enough to be added to my collection]
I've heard of it, but frankly I'm really apprehensive of trying anything that sounds THAT close to BG, because I like BG as it is and particularly like Hansi's voice AND lyrical style. I heard one audio sample from it on the website and I did not like the similarity at all. Granted, that was a low-quality sample, and just one, so I may have a wrong impression.

Thomen rules, but still. I have definite reservations about anybody trying to out-BG BG..
DoomsdayZach said:
I mean, holy shit! It's like teabagging that loudmouth chick in your office/class/house constantly for like 15 hours. It's the same feeling.

Thoughts? Oppinions? Other?

Well worth the admission if it's as good as you claim::::::PRE-ORDERED FROM CDUniverse!
proulxski said:
percieve it as you wish, perhaps they are just trying to play their own shit and idolizing BG at the same time! Doesn't mean they're trying to out do BG... Depends on if you're looking at the glass half empty or half full ;)

Well, I'm not going to make up my mind until I actually hear the thing in full...that wouldn't be right.
My favorite album of 2005, alongside Seven Seals by Primal Fear.

I don't have a problem with them sounding too much like BG really, although im into BG aswell. After all Thomen was one of the bards. Who else should be allowed to copy BG if not Thomens own band? Besides, BG doesn't sound like that at all anymore.