Savage Circus???


May 23, 2004
WTF, I know this is the former drummer's band but why did he leave blind guardian if all he wanted to do was make a clone of his former band. i mean i literally thought i was listneing to blind guardian. the singer is quite the ringer for hansi!
cool stuff tho!
yea thats what i read. its jsut funny listening to it and its not blind guardian. i never heard a singer sound that much like the guy he is emulating. and the guitar player even rips the patented BG guitar sound. good thing there is no patent on tones:D it is an enjoyable listen though just i dunno kinda lacks credibility to me when i think about it.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Because Thomen wanted to make old school style Blind Guardian and BG was getting to far away from that sound.

correct. blind guardian, while still blind guardian, have and still are evolving. thomen wanted to go back and stay that sort of SFB/imaginations older sound of BG, while the rest wanted to progress.

meh, now we have 2 totally supremely kick ass bands instead of 1 yea? w00t!
i will say this. not since the cd programmed by lethal have i ever thought i was listening to the actual band they are cloning. that is an impressive job
I read an interview with with Piet the bassist and appearantly the singer had hardly even listened to BG in the past. so according to him he isnt trying to sound like Hansi, but do I believe that? Its a pretty close call.
LOL i cant believe that. i mean id love to be able to sing like that. but cmon the rough voice sounds like hansis as does his more singing one as does the vocal chiors he does. its like SYX saying that they arent influenced by DT
I found an interview where Emil Norberg, guitarist of Savage Circus (and Persuader), answered a question about 'evolution purgatory', another album which has a lot of "Blind Guardian" influences...

Some people have compared your sound to that of Blind Guardian. What are your thoughts on that?

If there is one question I am tired of answering it is that one.. but I think there is a point there absolutely. However it is not intentionally, we do not listen to BG or hold them as "heroes". Jens (singer) has a similar voice register that helps with the comparison but frankly, would a song on Evolution Purgatory be on a BG album? NO! I think we play very different kinds of metal, however, blind guardian is a good band and if people think that we sound like them that must also be good. I guess...
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I read an interview with with Piet the bassist and appearantly the singer had hardly even listened to BG in the past. so according to him he isnt trying to sound like Hansi, but do I believe that? Its a pretty close call.

Piet is right. This is just the natural way Jens sings. And I think you can hear in his voice that it is just a case of him having a similar voice to Hansi, and not him trying to emulate Hansi.
here is another interview, this one about savage circus actually. It's poorly transcribed (sigh) but it addresses many of the questions in this thread.


George: OK. And I have to tell you that I reviewed the last album of PERSUADER and I think that in SAVAGE CIRCUS the singer sounds more like Hansi than before!
Thomen: Yeah, right.

George: Was it something that you wanted or it just came up?
Thomen: I think it is a little bit because of the songwriting. The songwriting is sometimes very similar to BLIND GUARDIAN and Jens has a very similar voice to Hansi. And if he has to sing in this tune he automatically gets more similar to Hansi. That´s the point. And because nobody pressed him like: "Hey, sing like Hansi", or something like that, we only said: "Hey, you sound pretty similar to Hansi sometimes, so sing everything in your way and let´s see what comes out." And Piet finally recorded this stuff with him and when I heard everything finished I said: "Fucking hey guys, that song´s really cool, this song´s amazing and sounds so similar to Hansi sometimes" (laughter) It´s so incredible! And Jens is always (Thomen pretends to be Jens): "No, that´s not true! I´m not sounding that much like Hansi!" (big laughter from both) And I said: "Come on guy. Go back and listen to it!" (big laughter from both)

George: I don´t think that anyone would accept that he sings like Hansi, if he did so or sounds like someone else.
Thomen: Yeah.

George: You told me that it was musical differences that led you to leaving BLIND GUARDIAN. Was it the musical direction the band wanted to follow or were there any new songs that you didn´t like they´re style?
Thomen: No. It was mostly the sound they wanted to follow now and hopeful already "A Night At The Opera". In my opinion this album was... OK, I must say I´ve been 100% behind everything I did with BLIND GUARDIAN, even "A Night At The Opera". But, I think everything has its limits. And after recording "A Night At The Opera", I noticed that it was too long produced, for over thirteen months! And this is a thing that is absolutely unnecessary from my point of view. And the musical style of BLIND GUARDIAN already on "A Night At The Opera" got much more progressive than on the older albums and the thing that really disturbed me most was the amount of tracks they recorded. And then our final had two hundred twenty tracks George! This is really too much in my opinion.

George: Two...!
Thomen: Two hundred twenty tracks in the songs! Recording tracks, like the vocals sixty tracks, the lead guitar seventy or something like that.

BlindPanzer said:
Thomen: I think it is a little bit because of the songwriting. The songwriting is sometimes very similar to BLIND GUARDIAN and Jens has a very similar voice to Hansi. And if he has to sing in this tune he automatically gets more similar to Hansi. That´s the point.

Actually I think this is a reason why on the Dark Empire stuff, to me Jens doesn't sound much like Hansi at songwriting is really not that much like Blind Guardian.
Yngvai X said:
Actually I think this is a reason why on the Dark Empire stuff, to me Jens doesn't sound much like Hansi at songwriting is really not that much like Blind Guardian.

I think you just posted that so you can plug your band.... :)
Yngvai X said:
Actually I think this is a reason why on the Dark Empire stuff, to me Jens doesn't sound much like Hansi at songwriting is really not that much like Blind Guardian.

Yeah your songwriting is more like CLUMPS OF DOGPUCKY ON THE BOTTOM OF MY SHOE LOLOLOL