OT: Studio Ghost Stories anyone?

a While ago I was mixing a song in this studio in an old warehouse. It turned out pretty ok, used drumsamples from Bob Clearmountain for the first time and considering it was a ballad and the vocals were pretty convincing there was a good vibe over the mix.
I worked well into the night and finished the mix. While listening for the third time to the DAT suddenly the studio started shaking. First I thought a big lorry passed by or something, but the shaking went on for so long it couldn't be a truck. It was a sort of un-earthy rumble, it felt like something under the warehouse was stirring and wanted to come out. Beeing alone there at 4 am I have to say I was pretty scared.
When I got home and read the newspaper the following day it turned out there had been an earthquake.. ;) (which are pretty rare in Holland)
ok this one i really weird:

a friend of mine recorded glass sounds on a tape ( you know if you make your finger wet and turn circel's it make this singing sound )
anyway they took allot of glasses and made music with it and recorded it. when they stopped and played back the tape you heard the glss singing, and voices on he background and then suddnedly 7 verry hard bangs ( tape was @ lowvolume !!)

THEN !!! his sister cameback and said what those hard noises where etc.
then they played back the tape and you could hear nothing on it, not even te glasses anymoe !!!
not studio related but this is kinda funny

this one time i was up in the woods in the middle of nowhere on a camping trip, some of the older guys decided to play a trick on the younger kids, so they headed out early and planted this axe in a tree stump, sprayed it with ketchup and waited til it got dark. then they suggested we go on a hike, and they told this ghost story about some local guy that killed his family with an axe (I assume they made it up for the purpose). So we got to this place and spotted the axe, i figured it out more or less right away, but some of the younger kids fell for it, this one kid actually crapped his pants, it was priceless :lol:
i don't know if this really counts but it was odd. me and my friend put some tape on his snare chain to keep it close to the snare head. so he plays a song, then we flip the drum over and the tape is under the chain, undamaged.
For all this, I only see one solution... In those particular cases, who you gonna call ?

this isnt a ghost story, but it is surely fucked up. and i was in the studio soo...

years back when i was in a foolish young band we spent a month in a studio and most the time all we did was party, wich the producer/engineer had no problem with. we basically wasted 15k on a horrible recording but thats besides the point.

i was in the hallway next to the control room and i was grabbing another beer out of the fridge when faintly over the music blasting in the control room i heard someone yelling at me, it was dark in that hallway but i realized this dude had a gun too, and was a cop on top of that. so i come out with my hands up and noone else has a clue whats happening because they are partying and its so loud. this cop has me on the ground outside gun aimed at me and hes calling for backup. im thinking to myseld "hmm, have i dont anything recently?" a bout 3 minutes later my band mate goes into the hallway and also gets put on the ground with me and shortly after the other guy and the producer. for some reason i thought this was hilarious (i was pretty wasted)... this dude thought we were robbing the place and apparently the alarm next door had been going off the whole time. needless to say the real robbers got away.