OT - "the song"


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
hey guys, I have been working on a new project called "lonely"

we can't officially call ourselves a "band" until we have enough material but we currently have 2 compositions and one in the works...

we put up a purevolume site, lemme know what you think, these are only our rough tracks, we are in the process of tracking our official EP.


http://youtube.com/watch?v=8KmgHPOY2uc thats me playing one of the compositions, minus the drums, bass and second guitar

and that is a compositon titled "spasm"

if anyone is from New York, or the tri-state area, and wants to jam with us, we are more than open to take on new members. If it remains a two piece, I will just take on the responsibilities of all the other instruments because fortunately I am quite capable of doing so, however it would it awesome to have another creative force driving the music!

ALL feedback is welcome! bring the pain. . . (thanks or FUCK YOU respectively in advance!)

Sounds kinda cool, reminds me of Shadows Fall or something...Will be cool to hear when you guys have a better recording and vocals.
Question: Is it really necessary to wear a tie with a t-shirt? Just wondering. :lol:

hey thanks hex for the feedback.. lol, i dont listen to shaddows fall, but i'm influenced by a lot of melodic death metal, or at least thats what people call it. (amon amarth, in flames, arch enemy) and i try to keep things fresh so i get a lot of inspiration from btbam, dillinger escape plan and the red chord when it comes to song structure... im not straight edge and i hope this music doesnt sound like we are cus we drink lots of natural tea, if you know what i mean!:rock:
No, sorry what do you mean by natural tea? Are you more concerned about your image or the music man? I'm confused here...