OT: battle of the bands. . .


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
some of you may remember me talking about my band playing a battle of the bands. well, it was last night and it was just as expected, nothing more than a popularity/ticket scalping contest but nevertheless this was my band's first gig and we had a fucking blast, played for our friends and a met a bunch of new people, gave out 30 copies of our ep and last but not least we tore the roof off that motha! we got an amazing response, mosh pits, dancing, this that and the third... videos will be up soon! playing drums live is a rush! i just got a pork pie 13"x7" snare so i can't fucking wait to play out again!

oh, but as for the band that programmed their drums, (the main reason why i started this thread to begin with lolz) maybe they found my thread and were embarrassed that they only used the stock samples in cubase:zombie:. . .:lol:

well they didn't even show up and some other pop band that sounded like fiona apple didn't show up either, so we actually could have won it if we would have forced our friends to stay but the reality is it was a sunday night and people had work/school/studying so we know who the true winners were except that doesnt quite bring us to the second round but for a first gig we held that club hostage and wrecked the place! i hit one of the kids who came to see the winning band in the head when i was chucking cd's into the crowd so i already got my revenge!!:heh: roflz:rock: jk tho it was an accident lol:lol:
Yep live playing is the shit.

I' remember my first gig.
I almost threw up backstage I was so nervous, then I came out and busted out some sweet licks and I fuckin was busting some Van Halen 84 shit. Going house.

Ahhh the good old times.

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BILLY MADISON FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is not only one of my favorite movies ever, and i can list them all on my fingers, but that happens to be probably my fav scene in the whole damn thing! i also love the part where chris farley the bus driver is trying to bullshit him into thinkin he banged the teacher, then hes like, "well, you could just IMAGINE would it would be like eh? eh?" lol