OT: Translation problems...?

The difference is, Prince Harry has no legitimate excuse. :yuk:

Unlike Bush--having been to Texas, I can tell you that hand sign really is used down there at football games.
Rose Immortal said:
The difference is, Prince Harry has no legitimate excuse. :yuk:

Unlike Bush--having been to Texas, I can tell you that hand sign really is used down there at football games.

The Devil Horns are known around the world as a salute to metal. If he would take interest in his people and foreign cultures he would know that. He would have known that the world would have misunderstood what he did.

Sorry for the political tangent.
soundgarden said:
The Devil Horns are known around the world as a salute to metal. If he would take interest in his people and foreign cultures he would know that. He would have known that the world would have misunderstood what he did.

Sorry for the political tangent.

I wonder how many gestures you make on a regular basis, without giving it a second thought, that could be taken as offensive by at least one foreign culture. I bet if I watched you for a day, I could find more than one. Fortunately, I am not a creep and have no wish to stalk you that way. ;)

As for this pic, I just put it here because it's funny to see Bush doing that. Plus the look on his face almost makes it look like he's at a metal concert. :p
Whichever Nordics saw it as a satanic gesture, must have been extremely conservative as I cant believe it would be the regular opinion among the people in general.

It's funny seeing him doing that though, coz you know h3'z $0 k3wL!!!
I wonder how many gestures you make on a regular basis, without giving it a second thought, that could be taken as offensive by at least one foreign culture. I bet if I watched you for a day, I could find more than one. Fortunately, I am not a creep and have no wish to stalk you that way.

Big difference though, soundgarden is not the president of what's known as the most pretentious country in the world. For god's sake, that's Bush's trademark (besides being a dumbass and starting wars)! If this guy is going to be seen by the entire world every single day, at least he should have put the effort into looking into his hand gestures. Soundgarden is not going to foreign countries on a daily basis (as far as I know) so he should have the right-of-way to use whatever US customs he wishes to. Bush does not.
Well, in case you plan to travel to southern Asia I know the "thumbs up" gesture which we consider to mean cool or whatever is deemed offensive there.
Yeah, I think it means "up yours" or something like that.

Anyway, I wish I could print this pic and put it on a shirt. Not sure what I'd have the shirt say yet, but it just kinda screams to be put on SOMETHING.