OT: You too can be a 40 y/o virgin...


Aug 22, 2003
I just saw this on CNN.com and had to share:

You too can be a 40-year-old virgin
Someone told me that women are having their vaginas rejuvenated. That's right, rejuvenated and reconstructed and revirginized even. I thought they were kidding. But my producer and I looked into it, and sure enough, it's an emerging surgical trend.

Vaginal rejuvenation costs thousands of dollars and is done with a laser. It includes a variety of procedures, such as women getting their labia made smaller because it is uncomfortable for them to engage in physical activity or have intercourse, women getting their vaginal canal tightened as it was pre-baby delivery, and other women going one step further by getting their hymen (the gateway to the vaginal canal) tightened. This last procedure can, in a sense, make a woman a virgin again.

In many instances, the women who get this surgery need it for medical reasons. But not all. Some women do this as a gift to their husband or significant other.

I interviewed one couple for this story who has been married 18 years and has two children. The wife recently had her hymen replaced as an anniversary gift for her husband. We also talked with the doctor who did the surgery and even got to be in the operating room during another woman's surgery.

You can see the video (the PG version) tonight, February 14th, Valentine's Day. These women say it's the perfect gift. But beware, it isn't cheap.
I saw a program about that on channel 4 here in the UK. They showed some of the surgery as well. The worst thing they showed though was a woman who had saline solution injected into her labia to make them the size of a normal guys balls. I shit you not about this. It was performed by a body piercer as no doctor will perform this operation. To cap it all off she didn’t even get an anaesthetic, and it only lasts for a couple of hours. Now that’s gotta hurt.
As a chick, I must say that NO WAY IN HELL am I having any sort of laser go near my hoo-ha. It's bad enough when the doc is rootin' around there during my annual exam.

My husband will have to deal with a slippery cooch and my old tits.
After giving birth, I'm am in no mood for anything "extra" down there, thank you very much. Besides, I am a hand-picked gift from God for my husband and I am perfect just the way I am. (Did anyone just buy that shit?) Seriously though I'd rather buy him a lap dance.
my wife may as well take that surgery seeing as how I rarely get "attention" anyways. Then she wonders why I play my guitar so much. I just tell her "easy, it dont talk back, the action is always fast, easy, and just right. If I dont like it, I can fix it, and if I make my guitar cry I would be considered a god."

Then I wonder why I dont get any.

Seriously though, I head about this stuff on the radio. What ever happened to Kegel exercises? My wife does them, and I have no complaints. And I am sure this surgery is very VERY expensive. What a gift though to get 100% of the viginity back. "Here ya go honey, just like new." Then, after one night, that money is GONE. "Thanks dear...did you charge this!?":err: